With ongoing support from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the Environmental Public Health Program (EPHP) within the Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health, will strengthen its capacity to effectively address the health concerns of all Alaskans with potential exposure to hazardous substances at contaminated sites within Alaska. Environmental public health issues in Alaska are uniquely challenging, as a result of the geography, climate, public health infrastructure, abundance of natural resources, presence of former military sites, and large indigenous population of subsistence users, as well as health disparities and environmental justice concerns among Alaska Native people. Furthermore, Alaskans are especially vulnerable to the effects of environmental contamination and climate change because of their close relationship with and dependence on the land, sea, and natural resources for their economy, food security, health, culture, and overall well-being. The experts at EPHP are exceptionally qualified to address these challenges with their diverse and unique backgrounds, strong collaborative partnerships, and numerous past successes in reducing exposures to hazardous substances and protecting public health. Through this cooperative agreement, EPHP will advance their work on preventing harmful environmental exposures and related health effects by focusing on Component 1) site assessment and community engagement and Component 2) capacity development and applied prevention science.