The purpose of A Cultural Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) is to provide funding to reduce health disparities and increase health equity among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) communities. United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) Office of Tribal Public Health (OTPH) will focus on Component 3. USET is proposing to serve as the GHWIC Tribal Coordinating Center for the upcoming five-year grant cycle. The USET OTPH will help all GHWIC recipients by collaborating and sharing knowledge focusing on peer learning, sharing best practices, and coordinating a national evaluation uses indigenous and Western methods. USET OTPH will establish a Tribal Coordinating Center (TCC) to collaborate with all GHWIC recipients to foster peer-to-peer learning, share best practices, and coordinate national and recipient evaluation efforts. By doing so we can achieve our short-term outcomes to enhanced recipient engagement to identify, assess, and share program successes, promising practices, lessons, and outcomes as well improving our availability and quality of evaluating data to inform national and community decision-making throughout; As well achieving our intermediate outcomes which is to foster relationship and opportunities, increased awareness of GHWIC as an integrated approach to chronic disease prevention in AI/AN community, increased use of community assets and strengths to implement recipient strategies and activities, and increased number of recipients using their evaluation data to monitor progress and for program improvement; Our long-term outcome is to strengthened evidence base for holistic and culturally led chronic disease prevention in AI/AN communities. These outcomes are intended to effect, or change of the health disparities and increase health equity among AI/AN.
With continued support from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Population Health/Healthy Tribes, this opportunity will open opportunities to provide technical assistance and resources to all GHWIC recipients, host several virtual communities of practice meetings. Share and inform individuals and organizations at the upcoming GHWIC Gathering of our support and present to aid Tribal Nations on assessing, managing, and implementing programs aligned with establishing a foundation for chronic disease prevention by implementing community-chosen, traditional AI/AN practice that build resilience and strengthen connections to family, culture, and community.
Reducing the rates of death and disability from chronic diseases and the prevalence of commercial tobacco use, and prediabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, oral disease, and other chronic disease risk factors and conditions USET OTPH is achieving our mission which is to enhancing the development of Tribal Nations, to improve the capabilities of Tribal governments, and assisting our Members and their governments in dealing effectively with public policy issues and in serving the broad needs of Indian people.