The Missouri Physical Activity and Nutrition Program (MPAN)
The Division of Community and Public Health (DCPH), Bureau of Community Health and Wellness, located within Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), leads the collaborative team proposing the project within, the Missouri Physical Activity and Nutrition (MPAN) Program. DCPH operates in the DHSS headquarters in Missouri’s capital, located at 920 Wildwood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109.
With 114 counties, St. Louis City, and a population of six million, Missouri is geographically and demographically diverse. Chronic diseases and related risk factors—mainly nutrition and physical activity—are major health concerns in the state, and data reveal the disproportionate effects on minority and rural populations.
The purpose of the MPAN Program is to help Missourians achieve the highest quality of life by making physical activity safe and accessible for all; healthy food choices easier; breastfeeding easier to start and sustain; and obesity prevention a standard in early care and education (ECE) settings. In addition to statewide implementation, MPAN will engage regional collaborative efforts, ensuring Missouri’s most at-risk communities and disproportionately affected populations benefit from the program’s resources.
The MPAN team will build upon its success achieved through the current DP18-1807 funding period to advance four core strategy areas. With access to key data sources, well-established collaborations, an experienced team of evaluators, and a strong track record of achieving outcomes across strategies, DHSS is confident in its ability to deliver the following outcomes:
1. Increased number of settings that increase access to healthier foods
2. Increased number of policies, plans, or community design changes that increase access to physical activity
3. Increased number of programs that support continuity of care for breastfeeding families
4. Increased number of ECE programs that are impacted by nutrition, physical activity, and breastfeeding standards and Farm to ECE improvements
MPAN has a well-established and diverse collaborative team, including statewide coalitions, key internal State departments, University partners, and strong Local Public Health Agency support. The MPAN team has significant prior experience in each strategy area and has processes, partnerships, and infrastructure already in place to begin implementation and evaluation activities. Many of the proposed activities will enhance or broaden current initiatives. All positions are currently in place, and staff will continue their roles served through DP18-1807.
MPAN is committed to an inclusive, participatory approach to evaluation planning. The evaluation staff works closely with program staff to plan, implement, evaluate, and disseminate the process and outcomes of the interventions and program. Since 2018, MPAN has consistently supplied CDC and other project stakeholders with monthly, quarterly, and annual data to track activities and progress toward operational goals. MPAN’s data collection systems have been and will continue to be a valuable asset for CDC, other states, and itself.