Georgetown University Center for Global Health Practice and Impact (GU), along with 12 Haitian indigenous partners, submits this application in response to CDC-RFA-GH-24-0075: Targeted Support for Improving HIV Treatment Continuity, Ensuring Availability of Alternate Secure HIV Drug Delivery Points and Services, and Building Capacity of Communities in Haiti under PEPFAR.” Our proposed project ‘Translating Data and Evidence into Impact – Plus (TIDE+)’ builds on TIDE, implemented by GU from 2020 – 2024. Upon completion, TIDE+ will have significantly improved not only treatment continuity, but also community partners’ involvement and leadership; sustainability of the HIV response; and health services and outcomes for PLHIV, and will have successfully transitioned all aspects of the program to local partners.
TIDE+ builds on TIDE with 3 projects in all 10 departments of Haiti: Project 1- Differentiated Service Delivery Models/DSDM; Project 2- Peer Engagement and Community Capacitation/PEACC; and Project 3- Treatment Retention and Engagement to Return/TREAT. Collectively, these projects will: increase availability of DSDMs including alternate, secure HIV drug delivery points and services within communities; prevent treatment interruption and return patients to care who interrupt treatment, including those lost to follow up;
train, professionalize, and empower peer groups of people living with HIV AIDS (PLHIV), PLHIV associations, and other key population and community-based organizations (CBOs) to participate more effectively in HIV response; and improve the overall experience of PLHIV within HIV care services. TIDE+ will also enhance the use of strategic information to generate evidence for interventions.
The TIDE+ team brings a complementary mix of skills: GU’s global and TIDE experience implementing HIV programs, strong local expertise and experience through partners and stakeholders involved in the HIV response- Public Agencies: Université d'État d'Haïti; Technology partners: Solutions S.A., Promoteurs Objectif ZeroSida; Key Population Organizations: Organisation Arc-en-Ciel d'Haiti; Private sector partners: Alliance pour la Gestion des Risques et la Continuité des Activités; Associations of PLHIV: Fédération Haïtienne des Associations de PVVIH, Association des femmes haitiennes infectées et affectées par le VIH, Association de Solidarité Nationale aux personnes vivant avec le SIDA, Grande Implication des Personnes Affectées et Infectées par le VIH/SIDA, Fondation Esther Boucicault Stanislas; Faith Based Organizations: Kay Manman Nou, Eglise de la Communaute Evangelique.
TIDE+ will collaborate with the Haiti Ministry of Health and Population and key technical divisions (National AIDS Control Program, National Public Health Laboratory, and National Tuberculosis Program), Departmental Health Directorates, CDC/PEPFAR, USAID, treatment facilities, other community partners, the private sector, and key HIV response stakeholders like the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
With extensive in-country presence and understanding of the local context, TIDE+ will apply proven and innovative interventions to achieve all project goals and objectives. It will deliver on MSPP, CDC, and PEPFAR/Global Health Security and Diplomacy Bureau goals and priorities for achieving and sustaining HIV epidemic control in Haiti. A robust Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan will track and ensure achievement of all stated goals and objectives, and ensure full dissemination of results, knowledge gained, and evidence generated to stakeholders.
TIDE+ includes a Transition to Sustainability strategy to ensure that at project end, all aspects of TIDE+ are fully owned and led by local partners operating within a well-developed ecosystem of public, private, and community-based stakeholders maintaining Treatment Continuity and HIV response gains, and sustains HIV epidemic control.