Scientific abstract
Epilepsy is a chronic and debilitating disease, leading to refractory seizures in up to 40% of patients. A
better understanding of the neural mechanisms that cause recurrent seizures could lead to improved
diagnostic markers and new neuroprotective therapies.
My recent research suggests that abnormal slow-wave activity (SWA) patterns during sleep may
constitute a promising diagnostic marker to locate the seizure onset zone (SOZ). In a high-density
electroencephalogram (hdEEG) study of fifteen focal epilepsy patients, I found increases in sleep SWA
that were maximal in the SOZ and were correlated with seizure and interictal spike frequency. Building
on a wealth of studies validating sleep SWA as a marker of synaptic strength, my results suggest that
seizures and spikes induce synaptic potentiation in the human brain.
To further validate sleep SWA as a diagnostic marker for the SOZ, I aim to make use of the higher
spatio-temporal resolution of direct intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings. In Aim 1, I will analyze
continuous iEEG recordings in patients with focal epilepsy to quantify sleep SWA in the SOZ, in the
seizure propagation network (SPN, areas secondarily recruited in the ictal rhythm), and in the periphery
(areas not involved in the ictal rhythm). I hypothesize that 1) in the SOZ, SWA will increase maximally;
2) in the periphery, sleep SWA will have lower values; and 3) the SPN will show intermediate patterns.
In Aim 2, I will also analyze single-unit (SU) recordings to identify the neuronal contributors to sleep
SWA during sleep and their alterations across seizure territories. I will use existing long-term
microelectrode recordings from epileptic patients to quantify SU firing rates and multi-unit activity (MUA)
synchrony during sleep (two markers of synaptic strength) in the SOZ, the SPN, and the periphery. To
shed light on the relationship between increased sleep SWA and ictal firing rates, I will use the SU
recordings to separate the SPN into areas of high vs. low ictal firing rates (the ictal core vs. ictal
penumbra, respectively). I hypothesize that 1) in the SOZ, SU firing rates and MUA synchrony will
increase maximally; 2) in the periphery, SU firing rates and MUA synchrony will show lower values; and
3) the SPN will show intermediate patterns, but with more normal values overall in the ictal penumbra
compared to the ictal core.
If this project is successful, it will provide mechanistic evidence for a link between chronic
hyperexcitability in the epileptic network and synaptic potentiation due to seizures, which can be
sensitively detected using intracranial sleep EEG. It will also allow researchers and clinicians to develop
new diagnostic tools to localize the SOZ, paving the way for new therapeutic interventions targeting
sleep to decrease seizure frequency in patients with epilepsy.