Genetic alterations in cancer cells can cause activation of regulatory factors that bind chromatin at target
gene loci to turn on transcription programs that drive tumor initiation and progression. However, despite
identification of these oncogenic regulatory factors in multiple tumor types, a gap in this rapidly evolving field is
the delineation of molecular mechanisms that open opportunities to target those regulators. Thus, my long-term
goal is to define interaction surfaces within chromatin-bound regulators critical for their oncogenic functions.
In the F99 phase of this proposal I will focus on the transcription regulator KAP1 and its previously
unprecedented role in activating oncogenic WNT signaling in colorectal cancer (CRC). Despite the well-
established knowledge that WNT signaling drives CRC transformation and promotes tumor progression, a
therapeutic arm that successfully inactivates WNT in CRC has yet to be employed. Potentially addressing this
gap in knowledge, my studies have discovered that KAP1 is required for expression of WNT target genes in
response to oncogenic WNT stimulation. Importantly, compelling preliminary data support two non-mutually
exclusive mechanisms explaining how KAP1 may regulate WNT signaling. First, KAP1 could directly activate
WNT by scaffolding key transcriptional machinery to WNT target gene promoters using its chromatin reader
module. Second, KAP1 could interact with and regulate β-Catenin stability (the WNT transcription effector). I will
test these two models and then evaluate whether perturbing the KAP1–chromatin and/or KAP1–β-Catenin
interactions will block WNT-induced CRC phenotypes.
In the K00 phase, I will shift focus to another biomedically relevant chromatin regulatory complex (SWI/SNF).
SWI/SNF normally remodels nucleosomes on chromatin to activate target gene expression, but its dysregulation
in cancer can cause aberrant activation of oncogenic programs. Likewise, in the soft-tissue malignancy Synovial
Sarcoma (SS), the transforming genetic alteration is translocation of SS18, a member of SWI/SNF, to the SSX
transcription factor. Because SSX, but not SSX18, normally binds modified nucleosomes, SSX abnormally
redirects SS18 to a cancer-specific set of genomic sites, causing upregulation of genes that promote
tumorigenesis. Despite this mechanistic understanding, the molecular and structural basis of the SS18-SSX–
nucleosome interaction remains unclear, and a strategy to target SS18-SSX is currently undefined. To achieve
these unmet needs, I will biophysically characterize the SS18-SSX-nucleosome interaction and then identify
small-molecule inhibitors that disrupt the SS18-SSX-nucleosome interaction. Finally, I will test lead inhibitor
candidates in hallmarks of cancer assays (proliferation and invasion).
The training obtained under both phases will fulfill my long-term goal of running my own lab with an emphasis
on molecular mechanisms of gene regulation, allowing me to have a positive impact on cancer patients.