Synopsis: JWCH’s PPW program services aim to treat substance use disorders for pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women aged 18 and older. This will be achieved through the delivery of trauma-informed comprehensive SUD treatment services, harm reduction and recovery support services delivered in both outpatient and residential settings. Services will include but are not limited to outreach, screening, assessment, treatment planning, mental health and SUD counseling, harm reduction including connection to MAT and syringe exchange, recovery support services including PEER support, Recovery Bridge Housing and intensive outpatient services, and supplemental services for women in treatment, minor children, partners, fathers, and family, per woman’s request.
Population: The population of focus will be pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women aged 18+, with SUD. This will include homeless, low-income, reentry from jail or prison, and other high-need women. Women in the catchment area are primarily Hispanic, Black, low-income, unstably housed, and with low education levels. The population of focus experiences barriers to accessing SUD treatment, behavioral health, and social services. In 2020, 20.4% of women from the area stated that they needed help with emotional, mental or substance misuse issues and only 12.3% of women saw a health provider to address these. JWCH’s PPW program is unique in that it provides a comprehensive whole person approach to treatment and allows women to enter treatment while continuing to reside with their young children, a factor that few programs in the area address.
Strategies and Interventions: JWCH will provide comprehensive SUD treatment, harm reduction and recovery support services and will utilize the following evidence-based interventions:(1) Seeking Safety, (2) Nurturing Parenting Program, (3) Celebrating Families, (4) Helping Women Recover, and 5) Motivational Interviewing (6) Peer Recovery Support Services and (7) Intensive Case Management.
Goals: JWCH will serve 35 women, 20 of their children, and 25 adult family members, fathers, and partners annually (total of 175 women, 100 children and 125 family/fathers/partners over the course of the five-year project period). The primary goals are to reduce/eliminate substance abuse among participants, increase participant and family (child, fathers, partners, other family) wellbeing by meeting the holistic needs of participants and family members through program services and linkage to additional services, address child abuse and neglect concerns by providing parenting education and intervention, and aiding in partner and family renunciation with minor children.
Objectives: The following will be completed annually: 1) provide 35 participants with screening/assessment and develop individualized service plans (175 total during 5 year project), provide 35 participants with comprehensive trauma informed counseling and treatment, harm reduction, recovery support, and therapeutic activities (175 total), 3) Provide harm reduction programing and linkage to needed services (175 total), 4) Provide 35 participants with linkages to health/supportive services (175 total), 5) Provide 20 children with screening/assessment therapeutic services, childcare and referrals for health/supportive services (100 total), 5) Provide 25 family members with screening/assessment therapeutic services, and referrals for health/supportive services (125 total), 6) connect 35 participants to outpatient services and recovery bridge housing upon completion of residential treatment (175 total), 7) increase community outreach by building 2 new partnerships annually (10 total).