The purpose of this proposal, Comprehensive Treatment, Early Intervention, and Education
Targeting Substance Use and Co-Occurring Trauma-Related Mental Health Problems for
Adolescents and Their Families in the Charleston Tri-Country Area, is to enhance the capacity of
the EMPOWERR Program in the diverse Charleston-Tricounty area of South Carolina to provide
a comprehensive family-centered, trauma-informed, evidence-based, coordinated, and integrated
outpatient system of care, which includes early intervention and recovery support services to
adolescents [12-17 years; who have substance use disorders (SUD) with and without co-occurring
trauma-related mental health problems] and their families to meet currently unmet treatment needs
in this catchment area. The services proposed through this grant will include screening,
assessment, outpatient evidence-based treatment, case management (inclusive of wraparound
services and referrals for family members), and education in school settings targeting health
decision making. Specific project objectives include: (1) Implement Screening, Brief Intervention
and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for tobacco use, alcohol, and drug use among an average of 40
adolescents and their family members presenting to an outpatient clinic specializing in traumarelated
mental health (NCVC) per year across all 5 years of the grant, to include early intervention
and/or linkage to evidence-based treatment as indicated by the SBIRT assessment; (2) Implement
SBIRT for tobacco use, alcohol, and drug use among an average of 44 adolescents and their family
members presenting to an outpatient clinic specializing in addiction behaviors (CDAP) per year
across all 5 years of the grant, to include early intervention and/or linkage to evidence-based
treatment as indicated by the SBIRT assessment; (3) Provide evidence-based treatment for
adolescents with SUD, as well as with co-occurring SUD and trauma-related mental health
problems, and their family members at the NCVC (Risk Reduction through Family
Therapy/RRFT) and at CDAP (Motivational Enhancement Therapy + Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy/MET + CBT; Brief Strategic Family Therapy/BSFT) via clinic-based and, to address
barriers (logistical, stigma, health), via telehealth services, with an average of 35 individuals
receiving these treatments per year across all 5 years of the grant; (4) Administer evidence-based
education programming to students (average of 64 per year, across all 5 years of the grant) in the
Charleston Tri-County community; (5) Provide wrap-around and recovery services as needed to
100% of adolescents and their family members served through this Family Tree grant. By the end
of the five-year period, 463 will receive evidence-based assessments and/or interventions (93
annually), with all receiving recovery support services, and 320 (64 annually) will have received
evidence-based prevention education curriculum (e.g., Catch My Breath). The overarching goal of
the project is to reduce SUD and trauma-related mental health problems among adolescents and
their families in the Charleston Tri-County area.