The Modoc Nation’s LAUNCH:ABC Therapy Program will support families, caregivers, and early childhood professionals in the Ottawa County, Oklahoma area in creating and providing healthy, safe, and secure environments that support the growth and development of young children. Project goals are to implement evidence-based practices that support positive social-emotional development and mental health for all children and wellness for every caregiver; prioritize workforce wellness and enhance workforce capacity to identify and respond to children’s and families’ social-emotional and mental health needs; and conduct routine and comprehensive screenings to identify, and respond to, children with social-emotional, mental health, or developmental needs. The project aims to serve 435 children, ages 0 to 8, and 500 parents/caregivers, a total of 935 individuals over the course of the five-year project. While American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) care is the primary focus for the Modoc Nation, we serve any community member, native or non-native, in need of care. The service area spans a 50-mile radius from the central point of the Nation’s headquarters office in Miami, OK. This location provides services to the four-state area of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas with the immediate county of service being Ottawa County, Oklahoma. The Project Director is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who holds a master’s degree in Behavior Analysis (MBA) and will provide in-person and virtual consultations alongside two Registered Behavior Technicians, which are paraprofessionals who received certificates in behavior analysis. The program focuses on ways preschool and day care providers can provide an environment that promotes optimal development of children’s social competence, emotion literacy, self-regulation, and sense of security and attachment, as well as early problem solving and academic readiness skills. Children who need further evaluation will be referred to behavioral health providers or child psychologists/psychiatrist when needed.