The Delaware Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning Grant project is a collaboration among the Department of Health and Social Services' Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) and Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA), and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Families (DSCYF) to: (1) convene a cross-agency steering committee and engage stakeholders; (2) develop a CCBHC certification infrastructure and certify CCBHCs; (3) establish PPS; (4) conduct provider outreach/ education and engage stakeholders in implementation planning; (5) develop state and provider data collection and reporting capacity; and (6) prepare and submit a CCBHC Demonstration application. These activities will be continuously informed by consumer and constituent input through a dedicated Stakeholder Advisory Group. As one of the only four states in the country without this model, the CCBHC Planning Grant offers a critically needed organizational framework for Delaware to redesign and enhance its system of care statewide to improve service quality, accessibility, delivery, and outcomes for comprehensive behavioral health care services in an integrated, trauma-informed, person- centered manner across the lifespan.
This initiative will address the needs of Delawareans with any mental illness and serious mental illness, children with serious emotional disturbance, and those with substance use disorder in all three counties, with additional focus on special populations, including pregnant and parenting people and justice-involved individuals. Delaware currently ranks 22nd out of 50 states in prevalence of mental health issues as compared to access to care, for both adult and youth measures. In Delaware, rates of depressive episodes in the past year for adults and youth are higher than the national averages. Delawareans also experience a significantly higher drug overdose death rate as compared to the national average per 100,000 populations. All three Delaware counties have drug overdose death rates higher than the national rate. Among youth aged 12-17 in Delaware, the annual average percentage of illicit drug use in the past month was above the national average. Delaware views CCBHCs as a system redesign effort that has the potential to positively impact 156,000 adults with mental health illness, and 10,000 youth ages 12-17 experiencing major depressive episode in the past year, through improved access to and quality of comprehensive behavioral health care services.
Delaware views CCBHCs as a pathway to advance integrated and sustainably financed care coordination and delivery, thereby improving short and long-term outcomes for individuals while also improving the fiscal health of the behavioral health system. The proposed CCBHC planning process will effectively leverage and build upon major federal- and state -funded behavioral health system reform initiatives undertaken by Delaware, to enhance access to an integrated, coordinated, and person-centered behavioral health care system statewide. The Planning Grant will enable Delaware to launch a statewide CCBHC initiative, thereby expanding access to and availability of services in all three counties.