Project Name/Synopsis: Wesley Behavioral Health and Wellness Program
JWCH’s proposed project aims to reduce health disparities by providing comprehensive, coordinated behavioral health care by establishing a new Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). The new clinic will outreach to individuals needing behavioral health care, screen/assess for mental and substance use disorders, support recovery from mental illness/SUD by providing access to high quality mental/SUD services, regardless of an individual's ability to pay.
Populations to be served: The population of focus will include homeless and unstably housed men and women of all ages and their families who are experiencing substance use disorders (SUD), including those with serious mental illness, SUD, including opioid use; children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED), and individuals experiencing a mental or substance use-related crisis in the Skid Row area of Downtown/Metro Los Angeles.
JWCH (Wesley Health) will provide mental and SUD services to the above listed population of focus in the Wesley Behavioral Health and Wellness Center to be provided out of the newly acquired building located on 515 Crocker St. Los Angeles, CA, 90013. The proposed site is located next to JWCH’s largest medical clinic for the homeless, Center for Community Health.
The Metro LA area represents the highest % of past month binge alcohol use, ages 18-25: 38.5%. The Skid Row/Metro area of LA is widely recognized as the most densely concentrated area with persons with mental disorders. More than half (56.9%) of LAC residents speak a language other than English at home. Among Medicaid eligible individuals, 50.3% speak a language other than English at home (U.S. Census, 2020).
Strategies and Interventions: JWCH will utilize the following evidence-based interventions: (1) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), (2) motivational interviewing, and (3) intensive case management.
Project Goals/Objectives:
Goal: This project will increase access and engagement in behavioral health care and reduce the impact of SUD and mental illness. Through the life of the project JWCH will reach 1,490 total persons of the populations of focus needing behavioral health services.
Objectives: The above goal will be achieved through the following project objectives.
• Objective 1: By the end of year 1, JWCH will provide 100 targeted individuals with mental health services (YR1: 100, YRS 2-3: 180).
• Objective 2: By the end of year 1, JWCH will provide 130 individuals with substance use disorder services (YR1: 130, YRS 2-4: 240).
*A minimum of 60% of clients receiving mental and SUD services will receive case management to help coordinate care.
*A minimum of 110 clients will receive mental/ SUD crisis intervention, annually.