The Connecticut Partnerships for Hope and Healing (PH2) application proposes to enhance statewide and community-level mental health promotion and suicide prevention, intervention and response capacity and readiness to utilize comprehensive, equitable, public health approaches and evidence-based practices, frameworks and strategies (EBPs) to address gaps and reduce suicide attempts and deaths among youth age 24 and under. Planned enhancements include a Training Collaborative, Data Dashboard, 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline co-promotion with the state's suicide prevention campaign, release of CT's Suicide Prevention Plan 2030, development of informed, coordinated, and sustainable partnerships within five prioritized catchment areas across schools, campuses, community organizations and clinical services to ensure at-risk youth are identified, connected to care/treatment, provided with lethal means counseling, safety planning, and follow-up services. The PH2 will promote suicide prevention as a core priority in CT, and will utilize interventions that are data and quality-driven, sustainable, culturally competent and equitable, formalized, uniform, and accountable with the capacity and readiness to provide services in an organized and timely fashion. The CT Departments of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Children and Families, and Public Health, with CT Suicide Advisory Board (CTSAB) guidance, will co-direct the PH2 and partner with the United Way of CT/211, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provider and statewide mobile crisis call center, for the PH2 management and implementation, and UCONN Health for the PH2 evaluation.
The PH2 will serve an estimated, unduplicated count of 2,000 annually and 10,000 over five years of diverse youth age 24 and under associated with education settings once services begin, and will train and educate an estimated, unduplicated count of 1,000 annually and 5,000 over five years of supportive adults in educations settings, families, juvenile justice systems, substance use and mental health services, child protection and foster care, and other youth and young adult-serving organizations. PH2 goals and objectives are aligned with the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and CT's Suicide Prevention Plan 2025, and ensures that the PH2 will inform CT's Suicide Prevention Plan 2030. The PH2 will utilize multiple EBPs, including, but not limited to the: CDC's Preventing Suicide Technical Package; SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework; Zero Suicide Institute's approach and EBPs; Suicide Prevention Resource Center's Comprehensive Model for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion, and the EDC's Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Suicide Prevention. The PH2 will build on current CT suicide and substance use disorder prevention infrastructure, resources, coalitions, services, and strategies; experience gained from three prior CT GLS State Youth Suicide grants; strong relationships and partnerships within the CTSAB; and other federal and state-funded initiatives with shared missions, goals and objectives, including Tribal. Youth, their families, and persons with lived experience will have opportunities for direct input through PH2 strategies and activities to assure unique needs are identified and met. Baseline measures will be established, and PH2 efforts will be closely monitored and evaluated for continuous quality improvement to accomplish goals and objectives, and maximize statewide impact and sustainment.