Through the Sustain Project, Denton County MHMR Center aims to strengthen the established infrastructure of the Crisis Residential Unit (CRU), Psychiatric Triage, and the Integrated Health Clinic. The Center will ensure access to crisis beds as a safe alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations, conduct programming to ensure accesses to 24/7 crisis intervention and emergency response services, and increase access to holistic services treating both mental and physical health. Impacted individuals are Denton County, Texas residents of all ages and ethnicities with serious emotional disturbance (SED), serious mental illness (SMI), and substance use disorders (SUD), referred to as co-occurring disorder (COD), who are underinsured, underfunded, and have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Comprehensive Person-Centered services, and the Adult Needs and Strengths Assessments will be utilized to achieve recovery for each individual served. The Sustain Project will impact 500 unduplicated individuals in Year 1, and 500 unduplicated individuals in Year 2, reaching 1,000 throughout the lifetime of the project. Direct services include access to crisis beds, therapeutic living, social support, group counseling, skills training, community referrals, and connection to mental health (MH) and co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorder (COPSD) services, emergency triage, crisis intervention/assessment, safety planning interventions, follow-up support, medical assessment, laboratory testing, medical intervention, follow-up, prescription support, evaluation of negative medication side effects, and referrals for specialty services. Additionally, telehealth access for MH services, substance use services, and other community providers will be strengthened by creating HIPPA-compliant telemental health spaces for individuals served.