Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health (TMC-BH) is a Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) in Kansas City, Missouri providing a variety of behavioral health services to adults and children primarily focused in Kansas City’s urban center, a historically economically depressed area. As one of Kansas City's largest comprehensive mental health providers, TMC-BH has dozens of community relationships and specializes in safety net healthcare, serving 118,000+ people annually, including 9,623 behavioral health clients.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to restore and develop clinical mental health services that were adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The restoration of services will help to provide care for individuals within the catchment area suffering from serious emotional disturbance (SED), serious mental illness (SMI), and co-occurring disorders (COD); as well as support the mental health needs and skill development of those working with this population including CMHC staff and caregivers.
Needs: The project will address the need for restoration of services as the pandemic led to revenue disruptions at TMC ultimately resulting in a hiring freeze, staffing shortages, increased wait times, loss of service sites, increased occupational stress, burnout, turnover, and the halting of staff and community training. All of this occurred while demand for mental health services steadily increased leaving many of the most vulnerable without access to professional care.
Planned Activities:
• Establish, strengthen, and/or sustain the infrastructure necessary to provide telehealth.
• Provide outpatient services for individuals with SED, SMI, and COD
• Provide trauma informed screening, assessment, diagnosis, and patient-centered treatment planning and treatment delivery.
• Provide clinical and recovery support services
• Develop and provide resources to address the mental health needs of CMHC staff.
Population of Focus: (1) Adults with SMI or COD, including those in existing institutions, and those that have fallen out of traditional services and/or lack access to care, (2) low-income, at-risk children and youth who are experiencing SED and/or acute behavioral health problems exacerbated by the pandemic, (3) TMC-BH staff and adults who consistently work with populations mentioned above in a professional capacity (e.g., teachers, case managers, therapists, social service and support staff).