In support of 3,500 students and 10,000 family members annually in the highest need neighborhoods of New York City—with high incidences of severe anxiety and depression, suicide attempts, substance use, gang, and community violence--375 staff (75 per year for 5 years, unduplicated) full and part time New York Edge (NYE) staff from 125 K-12 program sites (25 sites per year for 5 years, unduplicated) in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens will receive mental health awareness training. The long-term goal of the project is for NY Edge staff to be equipped with the knowledge to recognize and deescalate mental health emergencies for school age children participating in NYE after school programs through ongoing training. Staff in each of the five years will complete and gain certification in Thrive-NYC’s Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and be equipped to identify early signs of mental health risks. Referrals to quality mental health and substance use partners will increase, helping students and/or families obtain culturally competent care. The evidence-based practices in the training follow the Mental Health First Aid Lead. Providing 3 training programs by a clinically certified trainer /facilitator recruited and hired to implement them, the Social Emotional Learning Team at NY Edge will develop curriculum for culturally competent/confidential referrals, supporting the sites based on SAMHSA toolkits, facilitating referrals. Mechanisms for tracking referrals will be established, incorporating privacy and confidentiality rules. The NY Edge Program Director, Lead trainer / facilitator, and Social Emotional Learning Team at NYE will establish a staff-only online resource of NY Edge-approved, evidence-based MH and SUD curricula, certifications, and “Booster” sessions in MHFA training and referral processes scheduled to ensure compliance with the program model. These will be offered twice a year, each year. Finally, NY Edge will host annual sessions at all 25 sites with mental health and substance abuse referral agencies. These sessions will address any issues with referrals, provide additional insights and awareness to NYE staff on trends in prevention and treatment modalities.