New Jersey (NJ) is committed to improving the response to 988 calls, chats and texts originating in this state. This project will increase the capacity of NJ's Lifeline Centers and improve access to 988 services including linkage to appropriate post-contact supports. NJ's 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline system will be designed to serve all individuals who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis as well as their family and friends.
In the first nine months of 988, NJ has received 45425 calls. According to the Growth Model offered by Vibrant, it is expected that NJ will receive between 119000 and 187900 calls annually by year five of 988. Comparing data from June 2022 and April 2023, NJ saw a 106% increase in text demand and continues to receive an average of 1500 chat contacts per month. Meeting this demand will require a significant increase in the 988 workforce. To ensure all NJ residents are accessing and receiving appropriate services through 988, staff will be trained to respond to contacts from the diverse populations in NJ and be provided a comprehensive Resources and Referral Database for use by all NJ 988 Lifeline centers.
Project goals include increasing workforce to support the growing 988 demand in NJ, improving the public communication of 988 services including for high-risk populations, and expanding post-contact support connections with services such as mobile crisis outreach and crisis stabilization services.
Measurable Objectives:
By October 31, 2023, NJ will begin its statewide Commnications campaign.
By November 30, 2023, NJ will publish a funding opportunity for funding from this grant.
By December 31, 2023, NJ will submit a report of the state's current mobile crisis service options.
By February 29, 2024, NJ will submit a joint report to the 911 administrators.
By March 31, 2024, NJ will award funding for expansion of 988 Lifeline center capacity, have established its 988 Resouces and Referral Database and submit a plan to engage and support all Tribes and Tribal Organizations.
By June 30, 2024, NJ will estimate 24/7/365 in-state backup call coverage for all 21 counties, achieve and maintain a 90% in-state answer rate for 988 calls, train all 988 Lifeline center staff on use of the 988 Resource and Referral Database, estimate 24/7/365 in-state coverage of 988 chats and texts, and achieve and maintain a 90% in-state answer rate for 988 chats and texts.
By August 31, 2024, NJ will develop and submit a comprehensive quality assurance plan.
By February27, 2026, NJ will submit a sustainability plan.