Aunt Martha's Health and Wellness (Aunt Martha’s) has been providing Title X Family Planning (FP) services in our service area since 1976 and has been a Title X Family Planning OPA Direct Grantee since 2010. Our Title X Clinics are integrated within our Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs); we propose to provide essential quality Family Planning services and comprehensive health care—expanding from 15 to 18 Title X Clinics within existing FQHCs in the next year. These health centers are located in low income, underserved communities in five counties within our geographic service area in Illinois -- Kane County (Aurora), Kankakee County, Cook County (Southeast Side, South Holland, Pediatric Wellness and Chicago Heights CHCs, Harvey), Winnebago (Rockford), and McHenry (Woodstock) Counties. All 3 new Title X Clinics will be in Cook County. The funding request also includes plans to open 6 additional Title X Clinics in Years 2-5.
Aunt Martha’s requests Family Planning funding in the amount of $2,500,000 per year for this funding opportunity. Our proposed five-year FP project will provide Title X and comprehensive preventive health services to an additional 17,260 patients with 32,794 visits in Year 1; in Year 2--18,641 patients/ 34,175 visits; 20,132 patients/38,251 visits in Year 3; 21,743 patients/ 41,310 visits in Year 4; 23,482 patients/44,615 visits in Year 5. Our Title X FP services will lead to improvement in the overall health of patients, with priority for services to individuals who are low income (targeting 100% low-income, 81% poverty level), uninsured, underinsured, undocumented immigrants, teens, women and men.
Aunt Martha’s follows clinical guidelines as recommended by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) and complies with Title X of the Public Health Service Act CFR 42 and the “Program Guidelines for Title X Funded Family Planning Projects Version 1.0” (April 2014). No funding will be used in FP programs for abortion, as it is not a method of family planning at Aunt Martha’s. The agency is also compliant with State laws requiring notification or the reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, or incest.
Aunt Martha's offers a broad range of family planning and related health services tailored to the needs of the individual, including methods based on fertility awareness that ensure a variety of options in family planning methods. Services offered will include fertility services, breast and cervical screening, prevention of STDs, including counseling testing and referrals as needed. A concentration on both the female and male adolescents is a priority; all of our activities promote positive family relationships and advocate for including family members in health decision making and participation in family planning options. Our FQHC promotes a natural provision of comprehensive primary care, dental, behavioral health, and total health care modalities through our primary medical home model, as needed. Aunt Martha’s FP clients have access to clinical family planning and comprehensive health care services through our Integrated Care model that focuses on access to care, effective interaction between the primary care clinician and the patient (and where applicable, their family), and a team approach to coordinated care. As one of only about 20 organizations to receive state certification as an Integrated Health Home, Aunt Martha’s is uniquely positioned to respond to the needs of our patients.