The Family Planning Association of Maine (FPA) seeks Federal Title X funds to return as the State of Maine’s Title X grantee. These funds would support a statewide program to provide access to and utilization of core sexual and reproductive health services, especially to low-income patients and underserved communities, including immigrants, refugees, seasonal migrant workers, and asylum seekers through direct outreach and through an expanded network of service sites. If funded, the FPA’s proposed project would ensure the delivery of high-quality core family planning and related health services in all FPA and sub-recipient sites while carrying out efficient and effective management and oversight practices across its statewide network of clinical care.
For the period, April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2027 the FPA would use Federal Title X funds strategically to reduce disparities in access to and utilization of core family planning services by low-income individuals and underserved communities through in-person outreach in communities with large immigrant populations. In addition, the FPA would offer navigational support to new and existing patients seeking gender-affirming care made available by the FPA in eight of its own sites and via the FPA’s mature telehealth system.
The FPA seeks Title X funds in the following amounts: $2,750,000 in Year 1, when 27,604 patients would be served; $2,832,500 in Year 2, when 28,156 patients would be served; 2,917,475 in Year 3, when 28,719 patients would be served; $3,004,999 in Year 4, when 29,293 patients would be served; and $3,095,149 in Year 5, when 29,878 patients would be served. Caseload growth reflects the FPA’s strategic decision to increase outreach to underserved communities and by doing so achieving its twin goal of increasing the percentage of patients at or below the federal poverty line, from 35% to 50%.
The FPA’s network would provide sexual and reproductive health services to Maine individuals, including adolescents, in all regions of the state through a total of 59 service sites, including 18 directly operated FPA sites, and through sub-recipient agreements with 29 Federally Qualified Health Center sites, 7 school-based health centers, and 4 sites operated by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.
The FPA will ensure that all clients receive confidential, high-quality family planning and reproductive health care that includes contraceptive services, pregnancy testing, and counseling, achieving pregnancy, basic infertility services, preconception health, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted disease, screening for substance abuse disorders, and other preventive health services. Qualified providers will offer family planning and related preventive services according to national clinical guidelines and in compliance with all federal requirements and state mandates. The FPA provides outreach and education to community members statewide to improve knowledge and access to services.