The need for Title X-funded services in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, is demonstrated by the disproportionate rates of health disparities, poverty, and teen pregnancy in Tulsa County and Oklahoma. America?s Health Rankings 2017 Annual Report rates Oklahoma 43rd out of 50 states for overall health, citing a high prevalence of obesity; a high rate of cardiovascular deaths; and limited primary care physician availability.Tulsa County is located in northeastern Oklahoma, with a 2016 population of 642,940. The City of Tulsa is the County?s largest city, population of 399,906. Community Health Connection, Inc. (CHC) has two service locations in the City of Tulsa, 2321 E. 3rd Street and 9912 E. 21st Street. Tulsa County has a significant number of low-income and uninsured individuals, families, and couples who need family planning services.CHC is a Tulsa-based 501(c)(3) organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center. Established in 2003, CHC provides affordable; accessible; and quality healthcare across all life cycles, regardless of the patient?s ability to pay, while respecting the dignity and culture of the community it serves. CHC has grown from a single location, serving approximately 2,000 unduplicated patients, to two locations serving more than 13,000 unduplicated patients, experiencing double-digit patient growth for the past six years. CHC has a sustainable Title X project that responds to the holistic needs of its patients and service area in a culturally sensitive manner. CHC is an integral part of ensuring access to family planning services (FPS) across Tulsa County. CHC expects to serve 2,250 unduplicated FPS patients in Year 1, with 2,925 patient visits; 2,500 in Year 2, with 3,250 patient visits; and 2,750 in Year 3, with 3,575 patient visits.CHC finalizes its Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) data in February. In its most recent FPAR, CHC reported 80.4% (1,701 of 2,115) of unduplicated FPS users were uninsured and 15.7% (332 of 2,11
5) had public health insurance as their primary coverage. CHC?s preliminary 2018 data shows 1,717 out of 2,127 (80.7%) patients were uninsured and 330 (15.5%) had public health insurance. CHC?s per Title X-patient cost for Year 1 = $300.43, Year 2 = $312.62, and Year 3 = $330.53.CHC offers services tailored to its individual client?s unique needs. As a primary care provider, CHC provides family planning and related preventative health services, while offering a broad range of acceptable and effective family planning methods, including natural family planning and FABM. CHC currently offers a wide array of contraceptive methods and has an on-site 340B pharmacy at its 2321 E. 3rd Street location. CHC offers the full range of Title X FPS, including clinical; educational; informational; social; and referral services. CHC?s Title X project serves low-income, uninsured, and under-served individuals.CHC?s core FPS include education and counseling, contraceptive services, pregnancy testing, achieving pregnancy, basic infertility services, preconception health, STD services, and other related preventive health services such as breast and cervical cancer screenings and well-man visits. All Title X clients are screened for victimization, with counseling and education individualized for each client?s unique needs.CHC is one of three Title X grantees in the State of Oklahoma. CHC has a solid and consistent record of maximizing limited resources to provide quality FPS to those most in need. CHC?s experience, commitment, and infrastructure ensure the Title X program is administered efficiently, effectively, and with no lapse in service. Title X?s continued investment is crucial to public health in Tulsa County.