About 51.5 million people (1 in 5 US adults) lives with a mental illness (MI) and it is estimated that serious MI
costs Americans about $193 billion in lost earnings, yearly. Given the high prevalence and social cost of MI,
there has been a growing push for translating advances in neuroscience research into improvements in MI
prevention and psychiatry care delivery. In this context, it has become increasingly evident that psychiatric
diseases emerge as result of abnormalities in brain spatiotemporal dynamics and network connectivity.
Furthermore, neuropsychiatric diseases typically have a high degree of individual variability in presentation,
symptom severity, and treatment response. In this proposal, we aim to design new fMRI analysis methods
capable of tackling the abovementioned challenges – i.e., capable of directly modeling brain spatiotemporal
dynamics, while also capturing individual variability. More specifically, the main goal of this proposal is to extend
a previously developed deep-generative fMRI analysis model (VAE-GAM) that produces interpretable spatial
effect maps for each covariate (as in standard methods) while capturing nonlinear effects and correlations across
voxels. To accomplish this goal, I propose to: 1) Model temporal dynamics directly by fitting a Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) to the VAE-GAM latent space; and 2) Capture individual differences by using a deep Mixed
Effects Modeling framework to model individual subject maps as being the sum of a group-level baseline map
and a subject-unique map, generated using a learned, subject-unique embedding vector. The expected outcome
of this proposal is a flexible fMRI analysis toolset that will allow researchers and clinicians to identify new brain
activity patterns linking high-level behavior in health and disease states. We believe such a model could be a
step towards fulfilling the goal of delivering biologically-sound, computationally driven, and personalized health
care for millions of patients afflicted by mental illness.