Abstract/Project Summary
The United States population is becoming increasingly older and the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
and its common precursor, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), is expected to dramatically rise in the coming years.
As such, there is an immediate national need to further understand the neurophysiological basis of these neuro-
degenerative diseases. Recent studies have shown disruption of gamma-band neural oscillatory activity in animal
models of AD. Further, visual stimulation at gamma frequencies has been shown to increase the clearance of
amyloid-β (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated tau in mouse models, while improving cognitive performance. Despite
these groundbreaking findings, research into gamma oscillatory activity in humans with AD remains scarce.
Relatedly, visuospatial attention processes are among the earliest and most severely affected cognitive functions
in MCI and AD. Dysfunction in this domain has also been shown to be more specific for identifying Alzheimer’s
type dementia relative to other forms (e.g., frontotemporal dementia) when compared to dysfunction in other
cognitive domains (e.g., memory). Although neuropsychological testing has shown clear deficits in visuospatial
attention in patients with MCI and AD, very little is known about the neural oscillatory activity that underlies these
deficits. The current study aims to partially remedy these knowledge gaps by utilizing the spatial precision and
exquisite temporal resolution (i.e., millisecond) of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) imaging. Briefly, persons with
AD, MCI, and demographically-matched controls will complete two cognitive tasks during MEG recording; one
examining multispectral visual entrainment activity and another investigating visuospatial attention processing.
The resulting MEG data will be transformed into the time-frequency domain and imaged using a beamforming
approach. The output dynamic functional maps of electrical neural activity will be used to examine baseline and
task-related entrainment and oscillatory activity among regions serving visual and visuospatial processing. In
particular, we will identify the statistically anomalous neural oscillations in patients with MCI and AD, and then
link these neural data to regional Aβ deposition and overall performance (e.g., general and domain-specific
cognition, functional capacity, etc.). Our Aims are: (1) To quantify the cortical dynamics during visual entrainment
at specific frequencies (i.e., 20, 35, 40, and 45 Hz) in patients with MCI or mild AD, and decifer the relationship
between local gamma activity and quantitative Aβ deposition, and (2) to identify deficits in the tracking of attended
visual stimuli in patients with MCI and mild AD, and determine how this relates to cognitive performance. To this
end, we will utilize the latest MEG and source reconstruction techniques, neural oscillatory analysis methods,
quantitative Aβ PET imaging, and neuropsychological assessments to delineate the neurophysiological bases
of cognitive impairments in patients with MCI and AD. This research will aid in illuminating the neural dynamics
underlying cognitive dysfunction in those with MCI and AD, with the primary goals of scientific discovery and
developing the research and clinical skills of the applicant to produce a successful physician-scientist.