The purpose of the Rocky Mountain Health and Injury Data Analysis Project (HIDA) is to promote the capability of Tribes, Indian organizations and urban Indian organizations to build and maintain sustainable, effective injury prevention programs. Tribal ownership and management of injury prevention programs and projects: a) Increase the understanding of the injury problem by Tribes/Indian organizations/urban Indian organizations; b) Promote the implementation of effective strategies to prevent injuries in Tribal communities; and c) Improve injury prevention partnerships.
Under the leadership of the Rocky Mountain (formally Montana-Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council) Tribal Leaders Council (TLC), the Rocky Mountain Tribal Epidemiology Center (RMTEC), a Tribal Public Health subsidiary under TLC, will competitively recruit a full-time, experienced Epidemiologist as the Tribal Injury Prevention Coordinator. This individual will be solely dedicated to the management, control or performance of the Injury Prevention Program (IPP) called hereafter, the Health and Injury Data Analysis Project (HIDA).
Under the supervision of the TEC Director and Lead Epidemiologist the TIP Coordinator will support the development and maintenance of an ongoing injury data system. The data will be used for priority setting, program planning and evaluation of interventions at the tribal level.
The TEC will develop a five-year plan based on sound morbidity/mortality injury data and implement effective strategies. The five-year plan will: a. Contain a logic model approach to address the formative, process, impact and outcome evaluation with timeline; action steps and benchmarks and b. Describe how the tribes will maintain the HIDA after the five-year funding cycle. The TIP Coordinator and the TEC will incorporate injury prevention evidence-based effective strategies that align with the IHS Injury Prevention priorities (motor vehicle and unintentional fall injury prevention) and/or local Tribal injury priorities based on sound injury mortality and morbidity data.
Using the culturally and linguistic appropriate services (CLAS) approach, all proposed activities of the HIDA IPP will adhere to the National Standards for culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services. Because the focus of the project is working with various Tribal communities, all with different cultures, traditions, and languages, it is critical to comply with these standards. Using the principles of the CLAS the TEC will tailor the Health and Injury Data Analysis Project (HIDA) program and other organizations’ educational materials with culturally relevant information to promote and empower communities to take action in developing intervention for injury prevention. The TIP Coordinator will Lead, develop, or participate in a multidisciplinary injury prevention coalition to share resources and expertise in injury prevention, and provide oversight in the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects.