Arkansas’s Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant program consists of shared leadership between the Arkansas Department of Health’s (ADH) Family Health Branch and the Arkansas Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Children Special Services program. The state Title V MCH leadership team makes program and
policy decisions and ensures alignment across programs and agencies. Designated state priority leads oversee program and policy work and provide technical assistance and oversight to local Title V grantees. ADH is one of 15 state agencies in the executive branch under Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ leadership. Arkansas’s Title V MCH priorities:
1) Infant Mortality
2) Physical Activity
3) Oral Health
4) Developmental, Behavioral and Mental Health of Children
5) Child Safety due to Intentional Injury
6) Transition to Adulthood
7) Persistently High Infant Mortality Rate
8) Well Woman Care
Arkansas selected 11 NPM (not inclusive of postpartum visits and medical home) that most closely align with the priorities mentioned above. Arkansas also selected four SPM to monitor progress with state priority needs not specifically addressed by an NPM. The state-specific priorities are newborn hearing screening, adolescent nicotine use, the health care system for CSHCN, and implicit bias in public health systems.
The state specific priorities are hearing screening (newborns), nicotine use (ages 12 through 17), well-functioning health care system for children with special health care needs (CSHCN), and health equity. An overview of Arkansas’s Title V MCH needs, including emerging needs, gaps in services, program capacity, and internal and external partners are identified within this application.