The Minnesota Department of Human Services (MN DHS) Health Care Administration proposes to implement the Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model to improve pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experiences of Medicaid enrollees through a regional approach including areas and surrounding counties of Saint Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and Bemidji. By prioritizing community-based partnerships, innovative tools, and data-informed insights, this model will center on culturally responsive, patient-focused care while integrating a value-based payment system to incentivize quality, equity, and cost-effective care. The TMaH Model has a significant opportunity to build upon existing initiatives in Minnesota and nationwide to create a comprehensive, scalable approach that can significantly reduce maternal mortality, improve birth outcomes, and promote equitable health care. In recognition of this opportunity, the challenges and strengths identified by our deep community engagement, and Minnesota’s significant experience as a national health system transformation leader, the requested funding and participation in the Model will support our high-level objectives including:
Community-Centered, Culturally Responsive Care through Midwifery, Doula and Community Health Worker (CHW) Services: MN DHS will explore ways to incentivize the growth of culturally aligned midwifery-led services in the model test areas. Doulas and CHWs participating in TMaH will receive culturally responsive and trauma informed trainings. All providers will have tools to integrate care for mental/behavioral health, Substance Use Disorder and addressing Health-Related Social Needs.
Expand Partnerships and Equitable Impact through Collaboration: The model will bring together federally qualified health centers, free standing birth centers, clinics, independent providers, hospitals and health systems in the model test areas to form partnerships aimed at reducing racial and geographic disparities in maternal health by enhancing connections where they are already happening and create spaces for new collaborations between health care providers, state and local public health and CBOs helping mothers, birthing persons and their partners achieve whole-person health.
Workforce Development and Support: The model will support existing efforts and expand on resources to grow the midwifery, CHW and doula workforces by exploring innovative ways to expand recruitment, training opportunities, and patient communication about the use and availability of midwives, the performance of physicians, and the supports provided by doulas and CHWs
Data Informed, Patient Experience-Guided: Model partners will be supported in utilizing data throughout the episode of care and equipped to provide patients with tools that can deliver an enhanced care experience, help manage chronic and acute medical and social issues and improve the health care system’s response to potentially preventable adverse events.
Sustainability through Value-Based Payment: Outcomes, metrics and “value” will be grounded in equity and patient experience: Equity-focused quality and outcome measures will track how well providers meet the unique needs of communities experiencing disparities and inequities. Resources will be prioritized to support providers with the necessary infrastructure to make the transition to value-based payment. Minnesota’s model will look for tools to help ensure that providers serving higher-risk, more disadvantaged populations receive appropriate payment, while still helping support a push toward greater quality, optimal experience, reduced cost, and improved and equitable outcomes.
Total funding requested to achieve the objectives and requirements of the Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model: $17,000,000.00