USA flag Thursday, October 10, 2024

Clinical Research


Total Assistance, FY 2008 to Present
Assistance Type: Project Grants.
Popular Name: Clinical Research(GCRC; CRR)
Assistance Listing Number

Objectives: Clinical Research makes it possible to apply knowledge gained through basic research to the development of lifesaving drugs, devices, and therapies that protect the health of our nation's citizens by providing research infrastructure for clinical investigators. These specialized institutional resources are equipped to be flexible and responsive to changing scientific and economic environments and to unforseen research challenges. The Clinical Research area helps translate scientific knowledge into effective patient care through General Clinical Research Centers (GCRC), Research Career Development (CAP, MCAP, and CRS), National Gene Vector Laboratories (NGVL), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants.
