Guided by our family-community-school partnership for almost a decade, the Telehealth ROCKS (THR) program has grown a collaborative learning initiative advancing best practices and expanding access to high quality services, including pediatric care, mental health, substance use disorders, and chronic diseases/conditions impacting children and families along with workforce capacity across healthcare and related child serving professionals. The proposed TeleCollaboration ROCKS (TCR) project leverages this high-achieving, established program, its reputation for excellence, and its extensive relationships with low resource communities and related organizations to expand its collaborative community of learning. Driven by community identified priorities, The TCR project will expand the menu of whole family/2GEN training topics for groups of healthcare professionals and associated learners across three states. Training will advance implementation skills and QI mindset and leverage existing partnerships to expand capacity building across 3 states (KS, MO, OK). Using a population health approach, THR advances health at every level of the multi-tiered systems of support pyramid, advancing best practices around foundational SDOH needs, prevention, and targeted clinical interventions. TCR will broaden THR’s current scope by expanding the range of evidence-based whole family health topics to include mental health services, substance use disorder prevention and treatment, and chronic diseases/conditions; enhancing and broadening approaches for fostering transformative change; and expanding to a three-state service area. TCR encompasses four project goals, all interconnected around advancing technology-enabled collaborative learning. Goal 1 (ENGAGEMENT): engage stakeholders in TCR’s region-wide expansion of a TCLP model in order to increase access to quality health care services. Goal 2 (TELE-TRAINING): advance student health equity within the region, implem
ent a tele-training model that facilitates case-based learning, disseminates best practices, and evaluates outcomes associated with a menu of training options at all levels of the MTSS pyramid. Goal 3 (WORKFORCE): increase retention of healthcare providers and other professionals, develop, implement, and sustain a virtual community of practice for learners associated with student and whole family health across the workforce pipeline. Goal 4 (IMPACT): advance validated measures and strategic evaluation across all program activities. These goals and evidence-based activities align with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child framework as well as related whole family, two-generation 2GEN approaches. TCR is a crucial next step to change the health and behavioral health crises that many youths face today. Families in rural and other communities with low resources face unprecedented stresses associated with “the ubiquity of technology platforms, loneliness, economic inequality, and progress on issues such as racial injustice and climate change” (Murthy, 2023). The project addresses the practicalities of bringing learners together with extreme workforce shortages. The collaborative learning environment will leverage evidence-based retention strategies in training activities and across all learner professions. TCR will improve retention of health care providers and increase access to services in rural areas, frontier areas, HPSAs, and MUAs/MUPs across the region. Proposed strategic growth: Yr 1: Existing and 5 new KS and 3 new MO partner communities. Yr 2: Statewide KS, additional MO and 2 OK communities. Yr 3: statewide KS & MO, additional OK communities. Yr 4: Statewide KS & MO, additional OK communities Yr 5: statewide KS, MO, OK. Our project will evaluate, develop, and expand the use of TCLP models to meet the needs of populations served with the goal of improving retention of crucial health care providers and to increase access to health care services t
hroughout the region.