The purpose of the technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building model proposed project is to continue to promote peer to peer learning, case-based learning and the building of communities of practice for healthcare professionals at primary care community clinics in medically underserved areas (MUAs) throughout Puerto Rico (PR). The vision is to address the current and unmet community healthcare needs by improving the retention of the health care provider workforce and access to quality health services resulting in enhanced population health and health equity in MUAs. Goal I: To improve retention of the healthcare provider workforce in MUAs in PR through the provision of technology enabled learning collaborative (TELC) models (ECHO series, webinars, online courses and continuing medical education credits) that build a community of practice, promote case based and peer-to-peer learning, and quality improvement. Goal II: To increase access to quality health care services in MUAs by connecting specialists/SMEs at academic medical centers with primary care providers to provide technology enabled evidence-based training and capacity building to treat patients with complex conditions in their communities focusing on mental health and substance use disorders, chronic diseases, prenatal and maternal health, and emerging health issues for PR (i.e. dengue fever prevention and management). There is a great need in PR to support healthcare professionals in MUAs because according to HRSA’s MUA data tool, all the 78 municipalities have been designated as medically underserved for primary care services since 1978 with an index of medically underservice of 0.0 (lowest score, indicating highest need). For the five-year performance period, the PRPHT Telehealth Program and partners will coordinate three ECHO Series per year of approximately 20 sessions in duration that will address either mental health, chronic disease, pre-natal and maternal he
alth, and emerging health topics for PR. All partner sites will be invited to participate and continuing medical education credits will be provided as an incentive for participation. These ECHO series will build a professional community of practice for participants that will be supported by our coordinating team. As part of the ECHO Series, the PRPHT Telehealth Team will invite an expert to reinforce quality improvement, and to also discuss if and how partner sites are implementing the new information and tools they are learning about in their practices. In addition to the ECHOs, at least two webinars on reimbursement for telemedicine services will be held in collaboration with Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) and PR Health Insurance Administration (ASES initials in Spanish) to support the use of telemedicine and telehealth for healthcare providers. Use of telehealth services has been shown to reduce the burden of heavy schedules of sometimes unnecessary in-person appointments on providers and alleviate burnout . Additional webinars will be added to the workplan to address emerging health topics. An advisory board of 15 representatives from partner sites will guide this project, help to promote active participation, and serve as a link to all partners sites.