Address: P.O. Box 3093, Boulder CO. 80307 Project Director: Janet DesGeorges Contact Phone: 303-492-6283 Email: Website: This proposal seeks funding over five years for a total of $2,250,000.00 Brief description of the proposed project: Through the Early Hearing, Detection and Invention (EHDI) National Network (ENN), Hands & Voices (H&V) will support the EHDI systems of services nationwide to improve outcomes for DHH children as one of the three national EHDI technical assistance (TA) centers, the Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. In leading the FL3 Center, H&V will actively collaborate and coordinate with the other two EHDI TA Centers to support state/territory EHDI programs and other EHDI systems stakeholders, including family leaders, in achieving their program goals and objectives. More specifically, H&V as the FL3 Center, will assist EHDI programs with, increasing their state/territory capacity for family-to-family support, developing leadership skills for family leaders (including families from underserved populations), and improving partnerships with individuals and organizations engaging in family-to-family support and DHH adult mentorship. Needs to be addressed: Despite success in achieving near-universal newborn hearing screening rates, significant gaps still remain across the national EHDI system, including timely pediatric diagnostic evaluation, enrollment in IDEA Part C/Early Intervention (EI) services, and reducing loss to follow-up and documentation through the EHDI 1-3-6 process. Additional needs include limited family engagement (especially with families from underserved populations), parent knowledge about the availability and importance of EI, family’s access to DHH-specific support services (including family-to-family support and DHH adult mentorship), and pediatric provider knowledge of the 1-3-6 recommendations. Al
l these factors create a developmental emergency for children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), particularly regarding language acquisition, demonstrating a compelling need for change. Proposed services: The proposed services are structured to assure the FL3 Center, and the ENN requirements and expectations are accomplished, including Technical Assistance and Training (TA/T), Policy Analysis and Assessment, Partnership Building, Communication and Dissemination, Evaluation, and active collaboration with the other funded EHDI TA centers. Careful consideration was given in developing each activity in the FL3 Center project workplan to support state/territory EHDI programs, their identified family-based organizations/family liaisons, and their stakeholders. The delivery of TA/T includes a variety of methods such as individualized, peer-to-peer, and group. In addition to TA/T, the FL3 Center will develop and disseminate new products as well as leveraging existing products that will support EHDI programs needs identified in their infrastructure plans and program objectives, notably related to family support for families with DHH children. All proposed services have the goal of improving families access to timely and appropriate services and increasing family’s knowledge, competence, and empowerment that promotes a sense of well-being so that families can optimize their child’s language acquisition. The proposal is in alignment with The Blueprint for Change: A National Framework for a System of Services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. (HRSA June 2022) Population group(s) to be served: State/territory EHDI programs and other EHDI systems stakeholders at national, state, and local levels including family-based organizations, EHDI family leaders/liaisons, providers, provider organizations, and families of children who are DHH.