Funding: Implementation & Change Center (HRSA-24-035) Project Title: National Beacon Center for Early Language System Accountability & Data Applicant Organization Name: Gallaudet University Applicant Organization Address: 800 Florida Ave NE, Washington DC 20002 Programs Funds Requested: $3,750,000 for 4/1/24-3/31/29 Project Directors: Tawny Holmes Hlibok & Sarah Honigfeld Contact Phone Number: (202) 651-5000 Email address: & Website Address: Brief Description of the Proposed Project: Housed at Gallaudet University, the National Beacon Center for Early Language System Accountability and Data (Beacon Center) is uniquely prepared to provide evidence-based resources, data management support, and training for professionals working with young deaf and hard of hearing children (deaf*) and their families, paying special attention to whole-child health outcomes and timely language acquisition. Needs to be Addressed: The federal legislation for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) has resulted in over 90% of all newborns nationwide being screened for hearing differences, a monumental milestone that addresses the “1” portion of the 1-3-6 benchmarks. However, 40-60% of families are lost to follow up, and perhaps more alarming, 70-90% of deaf* children demonstrate language delays. Greater attention is needed for the gaps that exist after screening and in the transition between the 1-3-6 phases in order to continue to improve the EHDI system as a whole. It is time to look at the EHDI system with new lenses from all strata of the system using a multicultural, language-first, and family-centered framework. Since the inception of the EHDI legislation 24 years ago, a sole national technical resource center has operated continuously and we recognize and applaud their efforts. At the same time, we strongly believe it is time to pass the baton to a
new generation of diverse leaders, with lived experience, in order to expand upon the work that has been done and infuse the system with fresh approaches seeped in research and data from all phases. The Beacon Center will work closely with EHDI coordinators, families, and professionals. What can be expected from our work is an increased use of technology, strategies for a community-centered system of care, and evidence-based, responsive resources. Proposed Services: The Beacon Center will feature a team of subject matter experts backed by the prowess of Gallaudet University, the world’s only university designed for deaf people. Resources will be tailored to fit today’s generation of digital native families who likely access information differently e.g., via our fully-interactive and mobile-friendly website. For EHDI program coordinators, their development will continue to be nurtured through national conferences, sharing of resources, and ongoing webinars. We are adding regional summits; site visits of EHDI programs to support sustainability of EHDI program coordinators; & a language outcomes database available for EHDI programs’ use. The overall goal is to invigorate the field and to collaboratively work toward continuing to improve the systematic delivery of care for all families of deaf* children ages 0-3.