Project Title: Continuing Development of a New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
Produce Safety Program Under Path C that will Enhance On-Farm Food Safety.
Project Description: To implement a produce safety regulatory program in New York State that will
promote on-farm food safety to address growing, harvesting, packing and holding of produce on New
York State farms. The Produce Safety Program will also encourage high rates of compliance with the
FSMA Produce Safety Rule. This project will be a collaborative effort between FDA, the New York State
Department of Agriculture (Department) and Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
The Department will follow Program Path C, as outlined in FOA PAR-21-174. The Department inspection
and enforcement authority is confirmed by state law 1 CRR-NY 273.1 that adopts 21 CFR Part 112
except for subparts E, P, Q and R. Subpart E will be adopted when rulemaking on this subpart is
complete. Department compliance authority is found in Article_3 . The Department currently conducts
sprout inspections under the authority of NYS Agriculture and Markets Law Article 20-C.
Project Goals: The Department Produce Safety Program will utilize federal funding to enhance or
establish the following program objectives under Path C as identified in the FOA: The Project Goals
include: Program Documentation that will include the assessment and planning essential to program
development. The project plan will facilitate alignment of the Department’s regulatory program and
activities with FDA and other partners; Program Administration including the enhancement and
continued development of the New York State Produce Safety Program and the Produce Safety
regulatory framework; Provide opportunities for outreach, education and technical assistance on the
Produce Safety Rule and New York State Produce Safety Program to produce farms; Establish a complete
and accurate inventory of produce farms which can be used to implement corresponding CAP
Expected Outcomes: We believe that the partnerships and plans that will emerge from this project
will create a federal-state relationship that will leverage the existing expertise, knowledge and resources
of the Department, Cornell University and Cornell Cooperative Extension. This collaboration will result in
increased implementation of on-farm food safety practices, reduce the risk of serious adverse health
consequences or death from consumption of contaminated New York State produce and provide
uniform Produce Safety Rule inspections. On-farm inspections will verify understanding of and
compliance with the Produce Safety Rule. This project will conform to the CAP objectives and support a
national Integrated Food Safety System.