TSGP Abstract Summary
The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe is seeking funding under the Indian Health Service’s (IHS) HHS-2024-
IHS-TSGP-0001 to support the research and analysis of Self-Governance. An award such as HHS-
2024-IHS-TSGP-0001 will assist the tribe with the resources to supplement the Health programs
funds to conduct this analysis of PSFAs and Tribal shares. The TBTLA has been contracting for
program funding for 36 years under Title I of the IHS ISDEAA contracting. A significant number
of hours will be required to collect data, conduct analysis, meet with agency officials, culminating
reports, and financial summaries. This planning process is long overdue for assumption of
expanding PSFAs, and to enjoy the growth Self-Governance compacting provides. The strong
Health Leadership capabilities is primed for success.
Collectively, these objectives and measures highlight the unique constellation of data analysis that
is essential to expand PSFAs. The planning process through the HHS-2024-IHS-TSGP-0001
cooperative agreement will allow the tribe to achieve the below key goals:
1. To collect data and make an informed decision to expand PSFAs and associated shares;
2. Achieve Self Governance Compacting and implementing provisions of ISDEAA Title V;
3. Identify resources to maximize program potential to improve services to tribal citizens;
4. Improve care coordination of healthcare forging partnerships internal and external;
5. Expand health care services through the use of culturally appropriate evidence-based and
practice-based models to address substance abuse issues;
6. Improve healthcare infrastructure;
7. Enhance the ability to utilize expert contracts; and
8. Expand resources for self-governance training and knowledge.