The project entitled "Enhancing and Optimizing Re-entry Court," seeks to enhance the effectiveness of problem-solving courts by increasing ability to treat eligible adults who are required to serve time in prison. This grant will provide participants with treatment at one centralized location, implement Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and continue to provide wrap services that ensures a continuity of care from incarceration to the community. Grant funds will allow drug court services to be provided to 28 adult males in year one, 45 in year two and 50 in year three who were previously disqualified due to legal constraints. These men often have persistent justice involvement, typically for non-violent drug offenses, and Re-entry Court may be seen as a 'last resort' in light of the prison time they could face through traditional justice processing. The goals of this enhancement are to: 1) connect justice-involved persons with individualized treatment; 2) ensure public safety and reduce the number and degree of violence of participants' contacts with law enforcement; and 3) promote recovery and increase participant overall functioning through increased collaboration among court, counsel, state and local government agencies, and community services. Re-entry Court will enroll clients in substance abuse and trauma-informed treatment, implement MAT, expand the use of peer support specialists to promote recovery, promote abstinence from alcohol and drugs, track recidivism, provide treatment interventions that address criminogenic factors and thinking, provide individualized, culturally-competent, trauma-informed, evidence-based services based on participant's level of need, reduce the number of relapses, increase social activity and supports, and increase the number of days of employment and/or maintenance of income.