Miami Dade College Medical Campus' (MDC MC) Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment: Classroom to Practice to Community (SBIRT C2P2C) project will provide health professions students, faculty charged with educating these students, and health professionals at field placement sites with an evidence-based training (SBIRT) that increases the competencies of those in these positions to conduct brief screening and intervention and refer patients who are at risk for a substance abuse disorder to treatment. The Campus' School of Nursing (SoN) is the largest pre-licensure nursing program in the United States. SBIRT C2P2C will engage and train 1,050 (350 per year) health profession students from the nursing, physician assistant, dental hygiene, and human services addiction studies disciplines. An additional 300 (100 per year) health care professionals from these disciplines, as well as physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, dentists, and social workers, employed in their respective fields will also be trained over the three-year project, serving as champions and contributing to community integration and sustainability of SBIRT across disciplines and the continuum of care. Finally, a minimum of 27 (9 per year) academic faculty members from the targeted disciplines will contribute to the sustainability of the project at the institutional level. The project has the following objectives: 1) train, deploy, and support a multidisciplinary health care workforce 2) develop a cadre of SBIRT trained champions from academia, workforce, and health profession students and 3) implement a SBIRT training model that can be effectively replicated with ethnically diverse student populations and health care providers regionally and statewide, including other two year colleges, including other two-year colleges.