The CTSA Predoctoral T32 Program at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is
the companion institutional training grant for postdoctoral research trainees. This Translational Science Training
Program (TST) will provide 3 postdoctoral Trainees with innovative programing, assisting them develop those
skills in team science, innovation, and scientific rigor necessary for a sustained career in Translational Science
(TS). Research training in TS primes the next generation of translational scientists to become a highly skilled
workforce that efficiently advances patient-focused research from preclinical and clinical settings to clinical
implementation and population health arenas.
Novel, innovative activities will increase TST training opportunities that fully leverage the unique strengths
of local population health and data science (PHDS) investigators and resources (military, veteran, and Hispanic
population data) together with CTSA community engagement teams. These and other key stakeholders will
transform our existing TS practicum experience into a robust externship program that prepares Trainees to enter
the TS workforce. TST (predoctoral + postdoctoral) Trainees, and K12 Scholars from UTHSCSA and Utah will
meet quarterly in the CTS Roundtable to share ideas and strategies for successful team science. Upon program
completion, postdoctoral TST Trainees will earn the graduate level TS Certificate. The TST T32 Program
objectives are to:
• Provide robust TS training for postdoctoral Trainees from early-stage translation and clinical disciplines
• Emphasize research studies that address diversity, inclusion, and health disparities in Hispanic and
military/veteran populations in our South-Central Texas region
• Enable didactic and experiential activities that contribute to team science knowledge and skills
• Expand the workforce of well-prepared TS investigators
• Evaluate programmatic components for continuous quality improvement