The University of Hawaii's new Advanced Training Program in Artificial Intelligence for Precision Nutrition
Science Research (HI-AIPrN) offers multidisciplinary predoctoral and postdoctoral training through established
graduate programs across 4 units in biomedical and nutritional sciences. The established relationship between
the units will enrich the local academic environment and increase the number of seasoned senior investigators
available as mentors to trainees. The advanced training program has recruited 33 independent investigators and
UH faculty who have established research programs pertinent to precision nutrition science and/or artificial
intelligence (AI) and systems big data science that are all integral components of precision medicine at individual
to population levels. Our research focus groups are cross-disciplinary with themes from dietary/nutrition sciences
and nutrition-related health and chronic diseases, such as children's health and development, obesity and
diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and microbiome, to population health nutrition, including health
disparities. The specific objectives are to: 1) Establish the advanced training program in AI-powered, precision
nutrition-guided biomedical and health science research. 2) Provide the skills for collaborative cross-disciplinary
research that translates between basic and clinical spheres designed to prevent dietary and nutrition-related
diseases and advance new cures for all people, including underserved minority groups. 3) To accelerate the
career trajectories of the next generation of diverse, multidisciplinary data scientists through multilevel mentoring
teams. In this training program, the investigators will coordinate the placement and mentoring of 3 predoctoral
students and 3 postdoctoral fellows each year, each for at least two years, in research programs devoted to
artificial intelligence methods in precision nutrition using existing data to strengthen the level of scientific
sophistication to serve our remote location and multiethnic population. Immersed with a unique training team
comprised of multidisciplinary dual-primary mentors and supporting faculty, trainees will benefit from an
established curriculum and AIPrN core resources, including nutritional sciences, disease mechanisms and health
outcomes, and genomics and multi-omics. Flexible didactic plans and training projects are proposed that provide
cross-disciplinary breadth and integrative research approaches. The intercollegiate HI-AIPrN program creates a
Pacific central hub by leveraging the excellent resources in Hawaiian biomedical, health, and life sciences, and
providing networking and collaborative opportunities that benefit trainee research and career development. With
the NIH support, the HI-AIPrN will thrive and refine its mission to provide the Hawaii Pacific region, and the US,
with expertly trained next generation of innovators and leaders to improve nutritional health and prevent and
treat nutrition-related chronic diseases, with special attention to the unique populations found in Hawaii.