Project Address: 127 State Route 27, Raymond, NH 03077-1230 Project Director: Dr. Paula Smith Contact Phone Number: 603-895-1514 ext. 1 Email address: Website addresses for Lead organizations: and No other grant program funds are requested in the application. Funding preferences: Geographic, Low Income, & FQHC Health Professional Shortage Areas The proposed project, CHW ADVANCE! will infuse the CHW workforce in New Hampshire and Vermont with a cadre of well-trained CHWs who represent underserved populations most in need of their services. The lead applicant, Lamprey Health Care, with its program, Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center, a program of Lamprey Health Care, will partner with a network of training providers, employers, health and education institutions across New Hampshire and Vermont to facilitate this project. Ultimately the proposed program will promote better health and address social determinants of health in rural and BIPOC communities throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. New CHWs will be recruited, trained, and supported to complete field placements and registered apprenticeships. Existing CHWs will participate in upskilling activities, including training and field experience designed to promote additional skills deemed most in-demand by employers. CHW ADVANCE! will work toward the following objectives in each year of the grant period: 1) Recruit, train, and ultimately support employment for 60 new CHWs: CHWs will be recruited through existing networks to ensure that they are representative of BIPOC (target 40%) and rural (target 60%) populations, in order to mirror the underserved populations within which CHWs will ultimately work. Training will be provided by SNHAHEC, North Country Health Consortium (NCHC), and, in 2023, Southern Vermont Area Health Education Center (SVTAHEC). In addition, the grant will fund the creation of a CHW Adviso
ry Board who will review and enhance existing training curricula by identifying additional training topics to be added. 2) Facilitate field placements for 45 new CHWs: Working with existing CHW employers and healthcare institutions throughout New Hampshire and Vermont, training providers and project lead staff will facilitate field placements for trainees. Training and ongoing support will be provided to mentors, preceptors, and supervisors at field placement sites. 3) Facilitate registered apprenticeships for 15 new CHWs: Currently, New Hampshire and Vermont do not have any CHW registered apprenticeship programs. During year one of the grant period, SNAHEC and SVTAHEC will work with ApprenticeshipNH as well as the Departments of Labor in both states to identify and support the creation of apprenticeship programs in order to meet this objective. 4) Provide upskilling opportunities for 20 existing CHWs: Through surveying employers of CHWs and other key stakeholders, SNHAHEC will determine the additional skills and competencies most in-demand which are not covered by current CHW training curricula. The grant team will then partner with outside providers to facilitate completion of additional trainings to strengthen the workforce and promote the skills of existing CHWs. Through this grant, the leadership team will explore implementing stackable credentials for CHWs in order to further promote a sustainable career pathway and pipeline for CHWs. All grant activities will be overseen by the Principal Investigator from SNHAHEC, who will be responsible for coordinating with training providers, overseeing recruitment, and coordinating evaluation activities. Evaluation will include process and outcomes components and will focus on comprehensive and ongoing processes for evaluation, to inform continuous improvement. The grant will leverage other state funding to build an infrastructure that will be sustainable beyond the three-year grant period.