Address: CAI, 505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1900, New York NY 10018 Project Director Name: David Davis Contact Phone Numbers (Voice): 929-581-0861 Email Address: Website Address: List all grant program funds requested in the application: $3,000,000 If requesting a funding preference, priority, or special consideration as outlined in Section V. 2. of the program-specific NOFO, indicate here: No request for funding preference CAI will train community health workers (CHWs) and health support workers (HSWs) in core and specialized public health skills, and increase their employment readiness through field placements and apprenticeships in low-income communities of color in New York City (NYC) – with a specific focus on the South Bronx, Upper and Lower Manhattan, Central Brooklyn, and West Queens. Over the course of the three-year project, CAI will train 240 CHWs and HSWs, including at least 180 workers who are new to the field. New trainees (at least 180) will receive 80 hours of hybrid (live and virtual), interactive training on core public health competencies, with a particular focus on identifying and addressing social determinants of health and preparing trainees for future jobs in the public health field. A separate track will provide training to current CHWs and HSWs to expand and strengthen their public health skills. At least 25% of new trainees will gain on-the-job training through CAI’s Department of Labor-registered apprenticeship program. CAI has entered into memoranda of understanding with four leading safety-net providers of health and social services to low-income communities of color in NYC – Acacia Network, APICHA Community Health Center, Bridging Access to Care, Damian Family Health Centers, and St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction. These organizations will work with CAI to recruit new trainees, focusing on young, low-income people of color living in the above-noted NYC neighbo
rhoods. CAI’s adult learning experts will provide the interactive core and upskilling training to new trainees and existing CHWs/HSWs, respectively. CAI will provide intensive training, technical assistance and coaching to senior leadership at each of the partner organizations as well as to the mid-level staff who will supervise trainees on the job, including build supervisors’ capacity to use real-time data to monitor and improve trainees’ performance. CAI will follow up with each trainee following their apprenticeship to aid in job placement. A comprehensive process and outcome evaluation will document the project’s impact.