The Resilience for Appalachian Youth (RAPP) Community Treatment and Services Center will serve children/adolescents and families (including veterans) who experience multiple traumatic experiences in an 11 county area of southern West Virginia known for poverty, poor health, drug-addicted young parents and minimal access to services. The purpose of RAPP is to increase trauma-informed services across child-serving agencies in WV and to increase evidence-based trauma treatment to children and adolescents ages 4-18. RAPP is a partnership of three community based, comprehensive behavioral health centers, FMRS Health Systems, Inc., Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center and Seneca Health Services. Together, they will train 25 therapists and supervisors who will provide evidence-based trauma treatment to 6,120 children/adolescents and their families over a five year period (600 in Y1; 1160 in Y2; 1340 in Y3; 1500 in Y4; 1520 Y5). The goals of RAPP are to:o increase awareness of childhood trauma and trauma-informed practices throughout the state and across agencies who provide children's services.o provide training in evidence based treatment (PCIT and TF-CBT), including web-based, on-site and virtual training, to therapists throughout southern West Virginia.o increase evidence-based treatment to children/adolescents with identified trauma in each of the three partnering centers via center, school-based and expanded use of telehealth.o collaborate with CBHCs in the state, the Children's Services Division of the WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities to develop/promote policies supporting the implementation of trauma-informed services and practices across the state.RAPP will collaborate with consumers and community agency leaders and a strong evaluation team to implement the project and maintain long term sustainability. RAPP will improve the quality of life and resilience of WV children and families.