The primary purpose of the SHARE Project is to improve the overall physical and mental health of people with SMI by providing coordinated primary health care services in the community mental health setting. SHARE will reduce gaps in the health care services available or utilized by those with SMI by integrating mental health services, primary care services, care coordination/ case management, and wellness and recovery options designed and implemented with consumer participation. This integrated service array w i l l be coordinated and provided at one central location - FMRS Health Systems, Inc. (FMRS) in Beckley, West Virginia. FMRS will partner with Community Health Systems, Inc. dba: Access Health to provide primary care services in the behavioral health setting. SHARE will provide a whole person health home to approximately 1,900 consumers over a four year period. The primary goals of the project are: (1) Integrate primary health care into F M R S ' array of behavioral health services; (2) Provide health screening and other primary health services to 300 clients with SMI in year 1, to 425 clients with SMI in Year 2, to 525 clients with SMI in Year 3, and to 650 clients with SMI in Year 4, for a total of 1,900 clients over the 4 year grant period; (3) Consumers w i l l participate in developing a whole person treatment/wellness plan that addresses physical health and mental health needs in a seamless plan of care; and (4) Initiate Evidence-Based Practices (IMPACT and WRAP) to improve consumer health as measured by key health outcomes.