Leading to over 270,000 deaths in the US annually, septicemia is the systemic inflammatory response to a
bloodstream infection (BSI). Early diagnosis and treatment of BSIs have demonstrated improved patient
outcomes and reduced hospitalization time. However, currently accepted diagnostic approaches require a blood
culturing step, which is not only slow, but also demonstrates reduced sensitivity in the presence of antimicrobial
treatment. Current techniques are therefore considered unreliable for monitoring effectiveness of treatment once
begun. There is a significant need for new diagnostic approaches for BSIs that are culture-free and provide
microbiological information throughout the course of care.
To address this unmet need, HelixBind will leverage the capabilities of its proprietary direct-from-specimen (i.e.,
culture-free) platform, RaPID (Resistance and Pathogen IDentification) to assess the microbial load of an
infection in response to an antimicrobial intervention. RaPID/BSI, the first test for this system, detects and
identifies BSIs directly from patient whole-blood within 3 hours. Incorporating a broad test menu with single
CFUs/ml sensitivity, the test is not confounded by polymicrobial infections nor antimicrobial treatment. Across
multiple clinical studies, the assay has demonstrated >95% sensitivity and >99.8% per assay specificity.
RaPID/BSI was designated as a Breakthrough Device by the FDA.
As a result of this program, the capability to accurately assess microbial load will be added RaPID/BSI. With this
capability in place, initial test results will provide clinicians with pathogen identification along with a measure
of load; a marker for infection severity. Combined, this information will assist clinicians in source control and
selecting the most appropriate antimicrobial intervention. Follow-up measurements will then allow the clinician
to gauge for microbial clearance, a requisite for patient recovery. Beyond the immediate, patient-specific impact,
this program will directly support improved antimicrobial stewardship as required to combat the rise of
antimicrobial resistance pathogens.
Our Specific Aims, each with quantifiable deliverables, are designed to complete all technical development,
systems verification, stress testing, and clinical validation in collaboration with our clinical partners. The focus
of this study will be to validate the capability of our innovative approach, setting the stage for further work
aimed at optimizing its implementation in the clinical setting. In achieving our Specific Aims, we will have
developed and demonstrated, a revolutionary approach towards identifying, characterizing, monitoring, and
treating invasive infections of the bloodstream.