Both currently expressed transcription factors and inherited epigenetic states contribute to cell identity.
However, the causal relationships between transcription factor action and changes in strongly acting chromatin
states remain a central question in genomics of development. Despite much correlative data, it is poorly
understood how to predict at what sites a chromatin state will prohibit transcription factor action, and under
what conditions a transcription factor’s action will alter chromatin states, either transiently or long-term.
This proposal takes advantage of Runx family transcription factors as illuminating tools to probe the rules
underlying this relationship. The early stages of T cell development can be a particularly useful framework to
do this. Runx family factors, especially Runx1 and Runx3, are vital for T cell development from the initiation of
the T-lineage gene expression program. The proposed work is based on our recent evidence that despite
nearly constant sustained levels of Runx activity across several stages of early T-cell development, the
deployment of Runx factors to specific targets changes sharply at the specific transition of T cell development
when the cells undergo lineage commitment. Either chromatin changes or changing partner factors could be
responsible. Our latest results also indicate that Runx protein expression levels play a strong role in the timing
of entry into the T-cell program, as higher levels promote access to key genomic sites prematurely, raising the
hypothesis that Runx binding biophysics play a role in developmental timing. At some Runx-activated loci the
appearance of new Runx binding sites is linked with major transformations in chromatin 3D interaction patterns
of chromatin. The early T-cell development system is highly accessible through in vitro differentiation systems,
well characterized as matched to in vivo development, and there is a rich body of data about the programmed
expression and deployment of other transcription factors that may be potential Runx interaction partners,
making this an ideal system to dissect cause-effect relationships between Runx factors and the epigenome.
We propose to discover the rules through which Runx factors choose stage-specific target sites, by comparing
Runx actions in cells as they go through successive transitions of early T cell development. In the first aim, we
will develop a fine-scale, genome-wide temporal atlas for the binding of Runx factors relative to epigenetic
states, both under normal conditions and under conditions when Runx levels are experimentally raised or
lowered. This will characterize the epigenetic conditions that are most restrictive for Runx action and the
conditions under which Runx can alter them. In the second aim, we will define the reciprocal impacts of Runx
and transcription factors representing its candidate stage-specific interaction partners, examining how each
affects the binding of the other and how different partners may compete for limited Runx. The third aim will
focus on experimentally dissecting cis-elements needed for Runx control of Bcl11b and Ets1, where
developmental regulation reflects large-scale chromatin as well as local factor binding changes.