Project Summary
Despite more than one in five children in South Africa being HIV exposed uninfected (HEU), there are no
systems in South Africa to evaluate in a sustainable long-term manner the outcomes of children exposed to
HIV and antiretroviral drugs in utero. Through rigorous observational epidemiologic and modern biostatistical
methods, the CHERISH study (Children HIV Exposed Uninfected Research to Inform Survival and Health)
presents an opportunity to determine whether at a population and individual level survival, hospitalization,
growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes are equivalent in children who are HEU and children who are HIV
unexposed uninfected (HUU) in the era of universal maternal antiretroviral therapy. In the Western Cape
Province of South Africa, where maternal antenatal HIV prevalence is 19%, the Western Cape Provincial
Health Data Center curates electronic individual-linked health data from multiple sources according to unique
patient identifiers with routine birth linkage of maternal and infant unique identifiers. We will leverage this
resource and build on existing NIH investments in the Western Cape to establish a Western Cape province-
wide cohort of births from 2018-2024 (R61 ±360,000; R33 ±585,000), in synchrony with two sentinel-sites (R61
±36,000; R33 ±58,500), a static detailed cohort (R61 & R33 ±450) and dynamic light-touch cohort (R61 ±450;
R33 ±1,800). Specifically we propose during the R61 to establish and optimize sustainable measurement
of key in utero and postnatal exposures and outcomes in children who are HEU and HUU in the Western Cape
at 4 levels: province-wide population cohort; urban and rural sentinel sites (supported by NIH funding until
2020, to be expanded through CHERISH); static detailed urban cohort (NICHD-funded B-Positive cohort,
follow-up to be extended through CHERISH); dynamic light-touch urban and rural cohorts (to be newly
established by CHERISH). During the R33 we will harness these cohorts to pursue three scientific aims: to
compare 1) infant and under 3-year survival, 2) infant and under 3-year all-cause and infectious-cause
hospitalization and 3) growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 3-5 years in children who are HEU
and HUU; Furthermore, for each aim we will identify factors amenable to intervention that mediate the effects
of HIV and ARV exposure on survival, hospitalization, growth and neurodevelopment. The province-wide
cohort will inform the population-level impact of HIV/ARV-exposure on child survival and morbidity in children
who are HEU compared to HUU with similar socioeconomic, nutritional and environmental constraints to health
in an HIV high-prevalence setting. The sentinel-site, static and dynamic cohorts will apply advanced statistical
methods to identify causal pathways and sub-groups of children who are HEU with survival and morbidity
disparities to inform design of targeted interventions feasible for health systems in HIV high prevalence
settings. This presents a sustainable, innovative and adequately sized cohort model that with modest ongoing
investment can continue to accumulate mother-child pairs with lifelong follow-up and opportunities to evaluate
changes in in utero exposure to HIV and its prevention and treatment modalities as the epidemic evolves.