LSU ESTEEMED Scholars Project Summary
The proposed ESTEEMED Scholars Program at Louisiana State University (LSU) will ensure the
training of underrepresented (UR) minority, low-income, and disabled undergraduates for research
careers and leadership positions in the biomedical /bioengineering related disciplines. LSU has
emerged as a national model for advancing and promoting inclusion, equity, and diversity and improving
the success rates of underrepresented students. We are ranked in the top 40 of baccalaureate-origin
institutions (2007-2016) producing Black PhDs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math),
and top 50 of baccalaureate-origin institutions producing Black PhDs in engineering. The design of our
proposed ESTEEMED program is based on evidence-based practices, previous experiences, which
have contributed to these outcomes, and guidance from nationally renowned faculty. In fact, five faculty
at LSU, including the PI and the chair of the Advisory Committee, are recipients of Presidential Awards
for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM).
The long-term goal of the LSU ESTEEMED program is to increase the number of UR racial and
ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities who are recruited as honors students into LSU, trained in
biomedical/bioengineering-related research, and who enter into biomedical/bioengineering focused Ph.D. or
M.D./Ph.D. programs. To accomplish this goal, the LSU ESTEEEMED Scholars program will provide
valuable research training and career and curriculum development for three (3) cohorts of six (6)
undergraduate scholars each through their first- and second- years of undergraduate study. The four-
year project will directly impact 18 total students. The four guiding objectives of the LSU ESTEEMED
program are: (1) Recruit three cohorts of six highly qualified UR entering freshmen as LSU ESTEEMED
Scholars; (2) Provide 100% of Scholars with high-impact biomedical science / bioengineering training
opportunities; (3) Retain at least 80% of Scholars through the first two years and prepare for competitive
transfer into an honors program; and (4) Develop and sustain a collaborative ecosystem to support
biomedical science and bioengineering mentoring of ESTEEMED Scholars. Our proposed innovative
strategies include expanded bioengineering and computational/data science research opportunities at
LSU laboratories and local research-intensive facilities, research skills training, impactful mentoring
training for scholars and their faculty and graduate student mentors, field trips/site visits, outreach
activities, and best practices. The proposed ESTEEMED program activities are expected to have high
impact at LSU and maximize the benefits for its scholars, research mentors, and the community.