Project Summary/Abstract
One of the most significant consequences of the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic is the increased risk of adverse
neurodevelopmental outcomes in the children of ZIKV infected mothers. ZIKV exposed children (ZEC) are at
high risk for neurodevelopmental disorders due to the direct impact of ZIKV on neural progenitor cells,
immature neurons and the neurovasculature of the developing brain. This suggests a causal link between
human ZIKV exposure and malformations of cortical development (MCD) beyond microcephaly. Imaging
findings in Brazilian children from Pernambuco state with microcephaly and presumed ZIKV-associated
congenital infection revealed a range of additional central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities. These
included abnormal calcifications at the gray and white matter junction in all cases, MCDs occurring
predominantly in the frontal lobes, ventriculomegaly, and hypoplasia of the cerebellum and brain stem. These
CNS malformations are in turn associated with cognitive dysfunction and seizures. The main clinical
manifestations of CNS malformations are chronic epilepsy, intellectual disability, and learning disabilities.
Environmental Enrichment (EE) can attenuate cognitive deficits associated with neonatal teratogens and MCD,
and has been shown to facilitate recovery from behavioral abnormalities and cognitive disabilities in several
neurological disease models. EE effects have been demonstrated in microcephalic rates, mice with MCDs, and
mice exposed to prenatal maternal infection. However, investigation of EE effects in humans with MCDs is
lacking. Specifically, there are currently no known interventions that can mitigate adverse neurodevelopmental
outcomes in ZEC. This study will provide valuable data on whether EE can rescue neurodevelopmental
outcomes in humans with ZIKV, with and without evidence of microcephaly or MCDs. Investigators on this
project have already successfully implemented an EE program called “Saving Brains Grenada”, in which
community workers interacted with caregiver-child dyads biweekly and helped parents implement enjoyable
`brain smart' methods that foster neurodevelopment in young children by focusing on safety, attachment, and
self-regulation, in addition to stimulation. Differences in neuropsychological outcomes between children who
received the EE and children in the waitlist control group were measured using a sensitive, internationally
normed assessment tool called the INTER-NDA. Results demonstrated improvements in cognition as early as
two years of age in neurotypical children whose caregivers participated in the full EE program, compared to
waitlist control parents and children. The current proposal will use a randomized controlled-trial design to test
whether this evidence-based and culturally adapted EE program can attenuate adverse neuropsychological
outcomes at 2 years of age in Grenadian ZEC.