Project Summary
Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) are major human pathogens, which have a propensity to develop antimicrobial
resistance (AMR). Bloodstream (BSIs) and other serious KP infections are usually caused by strains that
colonize the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Emerging whole genome sequence (WGS) data show that the GI tract is
colonized by clonal bacterial populations, in which genetic diversity develops. It is unknown how often BSIs are
caused by clonal but genetically diverse strains of a given bacterium, since clinical labs generally characterize a
single colony from positive cultures. In preliminary studies, we performed WGSing on strains isolated from 10
independent colonies from carbapenem-resistant KP (CRKP)-positive blood cultures of 6 patients. In all patients,
blood cultures contained genetically distinct sequence type-258 CRKP strains, as evident by core genome single
nucleotide polymorphisms, gene deletions and other mutations, and plasmid or plasmid-borne gene loss.
Genetically distinct CRKP strains exhibited significant differences in antibiotic tolerance and AMR, capsular
polysaccharide content, and other virulence-associated phenotypes. Genetic variant strains from 2 patients
displayed significant differences in virulence during BSIs of mice. It is unclear whether our results were unique
to CRKP BSIs, which typically occur in patients who face significant selection pressures from long-term antibiotic
use and other stressors, or if the findings carry clinical significance. We hypothesize that: 1) baseline BCs from
patients diagnosed with antibiotic susceptible (S)-KP BSIs contain genotypically and phenotypically diverse
strains that are not identified by the clinical microbiology lab; 2) antibiotic treatment failures are associated with
emergence of KP strains with pre-existing antibiotic tolerance, AMR or virulence attributes; and 3) specific gene
variants in KP strains associated with treatment failure contribute to antibiotic tolerance, AMR, and/or virulence.
In aim 1, we will perform WGSing and phenotypic assays on 10 strains from positive baseline BCs from each of
10 patients with S-KP BSIs who were treated successfully with antibiotics, and from 10 patients who failed
treatment. We will determine diversity within each patient, and compare baseline diversity in patients who
responded to antibiotics and in those who failed. In aim 2, we will perform WGSing and phenotypic assays on
10 KP strains from antibiotic treatment failure blood cultures in each of the 10 patients from aim 1. We will
compare diversity at time of treatment failure with that at baseline. We will also validate certain genes and
mutations associated with strains from treatment failures for contributions to antibiotic responses and virulence.
Demonstrating within-host genotypic and phenotypic diversity of KP strains in this study would suggest that this
phenomenon is not limited to the most highly resistant BSIs, but rather a more generalized phenomenon. Finding
unrecognized antibiotic tolerance, AMR or virulence among KP in patients who fail treatment would indicate that
diversity is clinically relevant. Our project has the potential to impact medical and clinical lab practices, and to
afford new insights into determinants and mechanisms of KP antibiotic responses and pathogenesis.