Project Summary
Streptococcus pneumoniae causes over 150,000 hospitalizations annually in the U.S., with a mortality rate of 5-
7%, making the disease both a significant health and financial burden. A key virulence factor during S. pneumoniae
infection is pneumolysin (PLY), a cholesterol dependent cytolysin (CDC) that causes ion flux in host cells through
its ability to form large 400Å pores in host cell membranes. The goal of the proposed research is to elucidate the
role of PLY-dependent ion flux in the disruption of the lung epithelium. Intercellular junctions (IJs) are crucial for
maintaining lung epithelial integrity and include adherens junctions and tight junctions. Our hypothesis is that PLY-
dependent ion flux disrupts adherens junctions (Aim 1) and tight junctions (Aim 2) during S. pneumoniae infection.
We will investigate this hypothesis with an air-liquid-interface (ALI) culture system that generates polarized lung
epithelial monolayers. In Aim 1 we will determine how PLY-dependent ion flux disrupts adherens junction proteins.
To assess PLY-dependent ion flux removal of adherens junction proteins, we will load cells with ion specific
fluorescent indicators, infect with PLY-proficient (WT) or PLY-deficient (∆ply) S. pneumoniae strains, and measure
changes in fluorescence. We will also perform these infections with ion specific chelators to show chelator efficacy
in blocking ion flux. To determine the role of ion flux in adherens junction disruption, we will infect ALI monolayers
with WT or ∆ply S. pneumoniae in the presence or absence of ion specific chelators, stain adherens junctions with
fluorescent antibodies, image monolayers by confocal microscopy, perform image analysis, and use Prism for
statistical analysis. Finally, we will assess if any adherens junction proteins are cleaved as a result of PLY-
dependent ion flux and identify the protease responsible using chemical inhibitors and CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing.
Ion flux caused by pore forming toxins disrupts tight junctions and adherens junctions via shared, but distinct
pathways, Thus, to accurately understand how ion flux disrupts tight junctions, we will evaluate them separately
from adherens junctions. In Aim 2 we will elucidate how PLY-dependent ion flux disrupts tight junction proteins in
an analogous manner to Aim 1. Briefly, we will infect monolayers with WT or ∆ply S. pneumoniae, stain tight junction
proteins, image the monolayers by confocal microscopy, and perform quantitative image and statistical analysis.
In parallel, we will assess if any tight junction proteins are cleaved as a result of PLY-dependent ion flux and identify
the protease responsible using chemical inhibitors and CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing. PLY is one of 20+ CDCs that
share 40-80% homology with each other. To assess if ion flux is a conserved mechanism for CDCs to disrupt tight
junctions we will assess CDC-dependent ion flux as described in Aim 1. We will also treat monolayers with CDCs
and analyze tight junction disruption as described in Aim 2. Collectively, these experiments will elucidate the
mechanism of how PLY disrupts the lung epithelium, a key event for S. pneumoniae dissemination and a conserved
strategy used by many other respiratory pathogens.