Project Summary: Due to the complex and highly orchestrated events that are involved in growth
during gestation, the brain of the developing fetus is susceptible to adverse events that affect the
maternal environment, specifically the placenta. These adverse events can confer either adaptive
advantages or lasting vulnerabilities to the offspring. The mechanism by which these fetal insults
contribute to the development of disease is not known but involves interactions between the
maternal environment and the developing fetus. Evidence suggests that prenatal insults, such as
inflammation, impact the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which plays a major role in
the neuroendocrine system and may be the mechanism by which external stressors impact brain
development, accounting for physiological disruptions and associated behavioral impairments in
later life. Specifically, the dysregulation of the “stress” axis, mediated by glucocorticoid receptors
(GR), is a mechanism that supports the pathogenesis of disease development. We have exciting
preliminary data in rats showing that prenatal inflammation leads to impaired social interactions
and decreased GR expression/elevated corticosterone levels in the hippocampus of male
adolescent animals. Notably, this same challenge disrupts social discrimination in adolescent
female offspring. Importantly, these effects are preventable with lifelong housing in environmental
enrichment (EE). We also have data demonstrating disrupted corticotropin-releasing hormone
(CRH) levels in adolescent female rats following prenatal inflammation, suggesting that social
disruptions between males and females may be mediated through separate mechanisms. Moreover,
we have preliminary data supporting a significant increase in maternal plasma corticosterone and
reduced placental 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 following prenatal inflammatory
challenge. Converging basic and clinical evidence suggests that these responses following prenatal
challenges can result in excess glucocorticoid exposure to the fetus and altered GR expression,
increasing susceptibility to behavioral changes later in life. Therefore, the proposed experiments
will examine how maternal exposure to EE at the time of inflammatory challenge may attenuate
the maternal inflammatory response directly, thereby preventing fetal programming of
glucocorticoid function and later social impairments in the offspring. Second, we plan to elucidate
the critical periods of EE exposure (i.e. prenatal, preweaning, postweaning, or a combination) that
confer protection to in male and female adolescent offspring exposed to prenatal inflammation.
Finally, we will consider some epigenetic mechanisms by which prenatal inflammation and EE
may regulate gene expression, accounting for long-term changes in social behaviors.