Project Summary:
The Human Genome Meetings (HGM) have been held annually since 1996. They are held in a different host
city every year and travel around the world. Since 2020, the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) has been
re-organized to include the Human Gene Variation Society (HGVS) and the Human Variome Project (HVP). Its
mission has always been to bring the benefits of the Human Genome Project to all, but HUGO’s focus is now
on ensuring this for those living in low and middle income countries (LMICs), by 1) holding its meetings in
LMICs every other or at least every third year to increase attendance, as well as including focused educational
efforts on genomic tools, variant interpretation, genome analysis, and genetic counseling; 2) working with
LMICs to increase capacity and infrastructure for genomics to both understand diversity and to enable genomic
medicine 3) to work with other international organizations to develop standard competencies for those
providing genetic counseling (regardless of formal training) and to work with those interested to bring formal
recognition of the profession to those countries that do not yet recognize it. HUGO also has a large and active
committee of ethics, law, and society (CELS) that works closely with other international efforts such as the
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) regulatory and ethics workstream. The annual HGMs
include cutting edge science as well as focused educational workshops and the opportunity to network with
other scientists, both junior and internationally recognized senior investigators from around the world. This
purpose of this project is to fund travel awards for young investigators (graduate students, post-doctoral
fellows, and junior faculty) from LMICs to attend the HGM. Those selected must apply, have an abstract
accepted for platform or poster presentation at the HGM, and include a statement of financial need. A
committee that includes members of the HGM scientific organizing committee and the HUGO Executive Board
and Faculty of Scholars will select the best applicants for support by this grant. The awards will be used to
cover travel, housing, and registration for the meeting. Registration is greatly reduced for all from LMICs.