The Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) was founded in 1969 to provide a forum for the
establishment and support of scientists in the field of environmental mutagenesis. The mission of the Society is
to understand and mitigate the impacts of environmental exposures on the genome to protect human health
through diverse and inclusive leadership in research, professional development, and collaboration.
For the past 54 years, EMGS members have made many of the most important discoveries pertaining to the
mechanisms of the induction of mutations, the roles of DNA repair defects and resulting mutations in toxicology
and disease susceptibility, and the challenges of assessing risks from environmental exposures to mutagens.
Recognizing the importance of its diverse mix of professionals to exchange ideas and the latest experimental
findings, the EMGS held its first meeting in Washington, DC on March 22-25, 1970, and has continued this
tradition by providing a venue for these professionals to meet annually. Each year, the EMGS Annual Meeting
Program Committee strives to represent the full spectrum of strengths of the Society, encompassing the areas
of current research that converge on the issues of environmental exposure and how cells and organisms respond
to such challenges. In this proposal, we are requesting funds to defray part of the expenses for 2024– 2028
EMGS Annual Meetings.
The 2024 Program Committee has arranged for an outstanding and expansive scientific program that consists
of a workshop, symposia, and platform and poster sessions. Throughout there is a focus on the newest findings
and technologies in basic and applied environmental science and how they are shaping future endeavors. In
addition to the scientific program, the Annual Meeting will convene meetings of the seven Special Interest Groups
(SIGs) that represent the diversity of the Society.