Project Summary
Cigar smoking, like other combustible tobacco use, exposes the consumer to a huge
constellation of chemical substances many of which are recognized as harmful or potentially
harmful. Individual health burden is due to a complex interaction between product
characteristics (e.g., constituent content including nicotine, flavoring, product design) and the
use behavior of the consumer (e.g., puff topography, units per day, level of dependence,
exposure time); whereas, public health burden is influenced by these factors as well as pricing,
taxation, marketing, packaging, and promotion that effect the public appeal and market share.
The proposed conference will examine many aspects of this model through presentation by
experts, panel discussions, and audience participation discussing the current state of cigar use
in the United States. We have assembled a diverse group of eight subject matter experts whose
presentations will provide a current and impactful consideration of the complex interactions
between cigars, their users, as well as personal, public health, and policy implications. The
conference speakers will address characteristics of cigar products (Drs. Delnevo, Koszowski),
epidemiology of cigar use (Dr. Richardson), use patterns (Drs. Blank, Strasser), marketing (Drs.
Emery, Delnevo, Richardson, Sterling), and biomarkers of exposure and health effects (Dr.
Benowitz). There will be general discussions of the research and directed discussions of the
policy implications that will identify knowledge gaps and steps forward so that the scientific
community can meaningfully contribute to a rationally based, science-driven regulatory policy.
The venue (Chicago, IL) and date (March 1, 2016) were specifically chosen to be in conjunction
with the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT). The
SRNT meeting, the preeminent conference for research tobacco science and public health
experts attracts leading academic, industry, NGO, and government scientists assuring an
interested, enthusiastic, and participatory audience. We have received support for the meeting
from SRNT and from the Journal of Regulatory Tobacco Science to publish reports from the
conference. The proposed conference would be the first dedicated research forum to
comprehensively address the current, important, and relevant discussion of domestic cigar use.